Cert auto-renewal worked fine.
The certs will expire on 2023-07-10
Edit: stupid nginx doesn't refresh when the cert is renewed.
Ok. Thank you. I've tried to load several videos in a couple browsers and each gives invalid cert date. I suppose it is just me. I cleared cache, hard reloaded the pages and I am still getting the error. I'll clear cookies and repeat cache cleaning and testing again in a little bit.
For some reason, cron for certbot was missing the command to restart nginx when the cert is renewed.
I fixed the issue already (added a deploy-hook). It should be working now.
It is working perfectly now. Thank you very much for going in and forcing it to refresh! Hopefully it will not keep missing that command in the future. I used to imagine programs not doing what they are programmed to do as it possibly becoming sentient...and it's a troll - it isn't "missing" the command, merely choosing to not run it just so you need to waste time manually doing its job for it while it snickers electronically.
(post is archived)