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@Soundflamesand I had an exchange and he thinks I would be a suitable replacement owner for @tendiesonfloor. We'd both like to keep @tendiesonflooras a mod, if he's up for it. The guy is just prolific with his posting.

That do-able?

@Soundflames and I had an exchange and he thinks I would be a suitable replacement owner for @tendiesonfloor. We'd both like to keep @tendiesonfloor as a mod, if he's up for it. The guy is just prolific with his posting. That do-able?

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts 6y

transfered and mod request sent to @tendiesonfloor

[–] 1 pt 6y


[–] 3 pts 6y

Something something dark side?

[–] 1 pt 6y


[–] 3 pts 6y

Can do. brb making it happen.

[–] 2 pts 6y

Tendiesonfloor has been inactive for about six months. I can't request ownership since I never post in their

[–] 2 pts 6y

Since the owner is MIA, and you’ve been pretty active in that sub for months, I don’t see a problem. @pmyb2, do you agree?

[–] 2 pts 6y

Already checked and done. Even sent a mod request to the original owner.

[–] 0 pt 6y

That’s some serious ninja move!

[–] 2 pts 6y

I'm no ninja I'm a poalr bear, far far more dangerous!

[–] 0 pt 6y

Take it over, please. MGTOW is not a red pill. It's third wave feminism for men.