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The owner of /s/MeanwhileOnRedditand /s/MeanwhileOnVoat, @tendiesonfloor, has been inactive since 2018.

I think I can take good care of those subverses.

I would also like to upgrade the CSS of these subverses.

The owner of /s/MeanwhileOnReddit and /s/MeanwhileOnVoat, @tendiesonfloor, has been inactive since 2018. I think I can take good care of those subverses. I would also like to upgrade the CSS of these subverses.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Give me a little while I'll look into it, normally sub transfers require 30 days of activitiy in a sub(not every single day) and I don't honestly know if you have it or not.

Edit: Yeah you have the activity.