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Archive: https://archive.today/6mr1D

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>An urgent recall for Lay's potato chips has been escalated to the highest level for containing a potentially deadly ingredient.
The FDA revealed that bags of 13 oz Lay's Classic Potato Chips distributed in Oregon and Washington could contain undeclared milk. Around 4.9 million American suffer from milk allergies and it is one of the most common food allergies in children. Symptoms of milk allergy range from mild to severe and can include wheezing, vomiting, hives and digestive problems. In severe cases, the condition can also cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening reaction that narrows the airways and can block breathing. After peanuts and tree nuts, milk is the third most common food to cause anaphylaxis.

Archive: https://archive.today/6mr1D From the post: >>An urgent recall for Lay's potato chips has been escalated to the highest level for containing a potentially deadly ingredient. The FDA revealed that bags of 13 oz Lay's Classic Potato Chips distributed in Oregon and Washington could contain undeclared milk. Around 4.9 million American suffer from milk allergies and it is one of the most common food allergies in children. Symptoms of milk allergy range from mild to severe and can include wheezing, vomiting, hives and digestive problems. In severe cases, the condition can also cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening reaction that narrows the airways and can block breathing. After peanuts and tree nuts, milk is the third most common food to cause anaphylaxis.
[–] 0 pt 26d (edited 26d)


Understanding Undeclared Milk

Undeclared milk refers to the presence of milk allergens in a product that is not identified on the packaging. This can be a significant issue for individuals with milk allergies, as consuming even small amounts of milk proteins can lead to severe allergic reactions. Despite strict regulations and labeling requirements, undeclared milk in food products remains a common problem in the food industry.

Why Does Undeclared Milk Occur?

There are several reasons why undeclared milk may occur in food products. Cross-contamination during the manufacturing process is a common cause, where milk proteins may inadvertently come into contact with other ingredients. In other cases, milk allergens may be intentionally added to a product without being properly listed on the label, either due to oversight or deliberate non-compliance with labeling regulations.

The Dangers of Undeclared Milk

For individuals with milk allergies, consuming a product with undeclared milk can have serious health consequences. Allergic reactions to milk can range from mild to life-threatening, with symptoms such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals with milk allergies to be aware of the risks associated with undeclared milk in food products.

How to Identify Undeclared Milk

Identifying undeclared milk in food products can be challenging, especially since milk and its derivatives can go by various names in ingredient lists. Some common terms to look out for include whey, casein, lactose, and ghee. It is essential for individuals with milk allergies to carefully read food labels and be vigilant about the ingredients in the products they consume.

Dealing with Undeclared Milk Allergies

If you have a milk allergy, it’s essential to be proactive about avoiding products that may contain undeclared milk. This requires thorough ingredient research, as well as open communication with food manufacturers and restaurants to ensure the safety of your meals. Additionally, being prepared for allergic reactions with proper medication, such as epinephrine, is crucial in the event of accidental milk consumption.

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