It doesn't seem like poal is anywhere near that active, is pic8 being used for other things?
I think it's got Grindr user images as a side cash maker.
Big money in AIDS medication.
Hundreds they made for the literal known poison they pumped into their veins and the taxpayers often paid that price for murdering them. Yeah viruses are there to remove toxic substances to use antivirals and a poison that now is uninhibited by the virus that was protecting the person. The viruses have crap in them since they are like custom biological medical grade trash bags to push the shit out. Yeah murder pays well indeed.
Pic8 was created independently of Poal.
After my finding Poal, and being a general faggot, the admins of Poal, and myself, wanted to integrate Pic8 into the site. And here we are.
I knew that already, I was wondering what other general faggotry is pic8 being used for. Is there another non-jew website using it, or just homos sharing weeb shit on discord or whatever.
I've seen pic8 images posted on ruqqus for what it's worth. But I think some poalrs are active there as well.
or just homos sharing weeb shit on discord or whatever
pic8 is all about weeb shit
but, no. There aren't any other sites pic8 is specifically integrated with
(post is archived)