Don’t beat yourself up honey buns you learned how to use the computer most retards don’t get that far
I'm a xennial. I once was very adept with computers. Taught myself html in highschool so I could create my own pages. I used to enjoy "blowing up" my computer so I could tear it apart, rebuild it, install and debugging it from command prompts. I stopped keeping up somewhere between windows XP and Vista. Now I'm practically a retard. I'll learn again, if for no other reason than because I'm younger than @suplexand he seems to have a better grasp on tech than I. Being a lazy nigger is no excuse so I'll at least put in a little effort to learn a few internet skills.
Im actually in the same boat as you
That makes me feel moderately better kek. Us old fuckers gotta keep up
Send Me Some pics of your doggy
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