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Posts with pic8 links work like this:

If I tap on the icon to open it within poal, it only gives a spinning icon on a slightly larger post preview. Nothing else. If I just go on to the next post and try that one, I get another spinning icon. Usually, if I get five or six going at once, then eventually (30-90 seconds) they will all open at once. Trying to directly open the picture in a new tab usually will time out, although if I go through the process of opening five or six and waiting, then eventually new tabs will open the pictures. Mostly I've started skipping pic 8 posts entirely if I am paying attention.

The times I've tried posting pictures there, all I ever get is a green bar and a message that says "uploading picture." Never anything else. I've tried uploading multiple images, thinking that it behaves the same way - 5 or 6 at once to wake up their server and get the hard drive spinning, but I don't think I've ever succeeded. (Quick check in my history... turns out I succeeded twice 3 months ago.)

Browsers: Brave, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Platforms: Windows 10, Ubuntu 20.04, a couple of Android phones and tablets, and just for kicks a raspberry pi running raspbian and whatever the default browser that uses.

Hard wired, wifi, cell data, at home or work or anywhere else.

Any thoughts on a better hosting service?

Posts with pic8 links work like this: If I tap on the icon to open it within poal, it only gives a spinning icon on a slightly larger post preview. Nothing else. If I just go on to the next post and try that one, I get another spinning icon. Usually, if I get five or six going at once, then eventually (30-90 seconds) they will all open at once. Trying to directly open the picture in a new tab usually will time out, although if I go through the process of opening five or six and waiting, then eventually new tabs will open the pictures. Mostly I've started skipping pic 8 posts entirely if I am paying attention. The times I've tried posting pictures there, all I ever get is a green bar and a message that says "uploading picture." Never anything else. I've tried uploading multiple images, thinking that it behaves the same way - 5 or 6 at once to wake up their server and get the hard drive spinning, but I don't think I've ever succeeded. (Quick check in my history... turns out I succeeded twice 3 months ago.) Browsers: Brave, Opera, Chrome, Edge Platforms: Windows 10, Ubuntu 20.04, a couple of Android phones and tablets, and just for kicks a raspberry pi running raspbian and whatever the default browser that uses. Hard wired, wifi, cell data, at home or work or anywhere else. Any thoughts on a better hosting service?

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 2 pts 3y

There's no workaround on pic8 side. Pic8 doesn't host images.

Slow loading times are from host's links pic8 is serving.

If loading times are slow, the issue is between your ISP and the image hosts.

Check out http://pic8.co/aboutfor more informations.

[–] 5 pts 3y

There is a Venn diagram of people who enjoy anal rape and people who like using Pic8 and it is basically just 1 circle

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 3y

There is a roughly 95% chance that I will be using your statement repeatedly from now on. Some of the time I might even use it for something other than pic8.

[–] 1 pt 3y

people who enjoy anal rape

Correct. I'd assume most pic8 users are tax payers.

[–] 4 pts 3y

Had some frustration with pic8 every now and then.

Basically three scenarios: - Won't work at all. - Works, but lots of lag. - Some pics work, some won't load for ages or at all. Which is the weirdest one.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Try limiting yourself to below 1 mb, pic8 won't automatically compress things.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Pic8 doesn't resize/compress submitted image files/links.

It only strips off metadata to preserve privacy.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Pic8 doesn't resize/compress submitted image files/links.

It should. There is no reason to have 32 mb memes or whatever resolution people accidentally upload from their phones.

At least it should require a specially ticked box if someone absolutely wants to dump some 10 page 4chan screen grab.

[–] 3 pts 3y

(((Brave))) (((Chrome))) (((opera))) (((edge)))


Bonus self-entitlement!

If I spam the server, it will wake up.

Tell me you're a nigger without telling me you're a nigger.

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

srs Brave is the only acceptable one there, and not default settings.

Opera? Owned by the Chinese government now. Use Vivladi.

Chrome? HAHAHA Google. Use Chromium, Iridium, or Ungoogled Chromium.

Edge? EDGE???

Or use IceCat or Pale Moon/Basalisk (though I think the devteam cucked with a CoC). edit: yup cucked https://repo.palemoon.org/mcp-graveyard/UXP/src/branch/master/docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md

Anyone know an unwoke fork of FF ESR?

[–] 3 pts 3y

Back when the internet first began during the BBS days, it often took a full hour to download a single pic at 720 baud.

With Pic8 that wait time can be somewhat longer:)

[–] 1 pt 3y

Pic8 let's you post pics for free. Not many of those left. Beggars cannot be choosers.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

My only problem with pic8 is that my AV sometimes flags it as dangerous site and denies connection.

[–] 1 pt 3y

You ever ask yourself if "protecting you from viruses" is sometimes actually just censorship?

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

I have asked myself this on the occasion when my antivirus flagged a pic8 link, but I can almost always see what the blocked image is in the thumbnail and a lot of other stuff isn't blocked at all. The main problem with idea that it's censorship is that there's no consistency in what's blocked for me. Many times the blocked image was harmless fluff while the most antijew wrongthink posts just sailed right through the antivirus for me to see.

[–] 1 pt 3y

no, no you are not

[–] 1 pt 3y

Its something with your equipment/internet, pic8 works fine.

Try clearing your browser cache.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y


You could be a little more specific.

Or are you suggesting it is a problem with my home internet connection and also my cell connection and also my work internet connection and also all of the browsers and operating systems I am using?

Because really that just leaves apple products, which I do not use, and dial-up which I also do not use.

But if that's what it takes to use pic8, then I will repeat my question about an alternate hosting site.

[–] 1 pt 3y

You most likely use "your phone" to access Poal on all those networks correct? Clear your fucking browser cache on your phone. .

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

No. Not correct.

My phone only runs android, not windows or Ubuntu or raspbian. That would be pretty cool though.

But, I got my phone, cleared the cache, and tried right now. no change on it, no change on my tablet or desktop machine. No idea if that fixed my work computer.

Maybe if the fanbois of these "imgur sux use this unknown barely working alternative hur dur" sites weren't such insufferable douche nozzles they would gain in popularity and be able to hire a script kiddie like you to handle customer service.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Sounds like the continent you're on doesn't have the best infra between itself and where pic8's servers are hosted moon base #47-alpha

It could be a more isolated, regional infra issue. Not much that can be done on pic8's side.

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