[–] [deleted] • -1 pt 3y Your definition is both. You drunk? Your definition is both. You drunk? parent link [–] • 1 pt 3y I DEMAND A FUCKING LAWYER. I DEMAND A FUCKING LAWYER. parent link [–] [deleted] • 0 pt 3y (edited 3y) God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat parent link
[–] • 1 pt 3y I DEMAND A FUCKING LAWYER. I DEMAND A FUCKING LAWYER. parent link [–] [deleted] • 0 pt 3y (edited 3y) God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat parent link
[–] [deleted] • 0 pt 3y (edited 3y) God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat God damn where is that boatfucker when we need him.@lord_nougat parent link
(post is archived)