They want "real" women in games but they won't play them. Same with sports. They want equal pay but stadiums are empty because women won't even watch it
You win
Want equal pay, equal representation? Perform on the same level as men and you will get it.
If they could they would but they can't so they complain
I know a lot of girls who are fit. They are very much real. But they can't do any of the hero shit from video games. Video games should present an ideal. Something to strive for.
It is not supposed to be a reflection of the losers of society. Or even the average. I'm not interested in playing "get taken care of by a man because this cooch is the only way he can continue his genetic line".
Meanwhile Horizon already has an average looking heroine.
Fatty needs pink hair and a few fag tattoos
The fuckin face kills me 😂
Just today I was thinking why there's no more content from Gprime being posted. Thanks for sharing.
(post is archived)