Get a Berkey with a Fluoride filter right away. Filter all of your drinking and cooking water through it, including water you use to boil things. Keep a few gallon jugs filled with tap water next to the Berkey so it's easier to keep it full. You occasionally have to prime the filters and scrub off the surface of the carbon filters, but that's about it.
Later on you can upgrade to an undersink reverse osmosis filter, but the Berkeys are extremely economical to run and last a long time before you need new filters. They also work using gravity, so there's no worry about needing electricity to pump the water through a filter.The big ass carbon filters in the Berkey will strip out all but a miniscule amount of volatile chlorides like Vinyl Chloride along with other nasty stuff. The white add-on filters trap Fluoride and a few other toxins.
Plus one on the Berkey. Every household should have a charcoal gravity filter system, at minimum, particularly as the accoutrements of a functional society continue to devolve and dissipate. Spring for additional sets of filters to speed up your filtering time.
(post is archived)