A significant proportion of modern women do in fact believe that having an orgasm with the man you love is more burdensome than working a full time job for a boss who'd abandon you in a heartbeat to raise the stock price by a nickel.
The only way to solve this is for men to grow a shiny spine and enforce equal expectations. She expects him to work to support the household? Fantastic. He expects her to graciously and enthusiastically put on lingerie and make him a sandwich. If she doesnt like that deal, she needs to find out promptly that single men can survive quite comfortably on 15% of what it takes to support a family, and that frees up 85% of his working hours for something less shrewish like "Xbox" and "reading a book".
^ this
American women feel entitled and empowered. Being a home maker is not something they want to be. Sex has been erased from their lifestyle. So, men are going to Europe to find more compatible women. However, the reverse isn't true: European men are not coming here looking for American women. Humm....
Europe is just as fucked except there are even more muslims and niggers, and more communism.
Well, you need to find white slavic women, not shit skins, obviously.