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It's cheaper, doesn't support degen trannies and the alphabet mafia and its better quality too.

It's cheaper, doesn't support degen trannies and the alphabet mafia and its better quality too.
[–] 5 pts 24d

What, you don't want coffee with your shots of gay?

[–] 3 pts 24d

FFS, I bet that some freak out there has dropped a "gender pill" into a few coffees to "own the right" or something. Prove me wrong. You know this has happened at least once.

[–] 3 pts 24d

One of my coworkers goes to the "Coffee with Gay" place and orders coffee with a dozen different ingredients, and then gets it cold.

Not only is it mostly sugar at that point, drinking cold coffee automatically earns you a place in hell.

[–] 1 pt 23d

What do you have against cold brew?

[–] 4 pts 24d

I haven't had a coffee outside my own home in years. I know a woman who has 3 Starbucks a day. Wtf is in that shit?

[–] 2 pts 24d

Their beans are burned as fuck and very acidic. I can't drink coffee at all anymore and wish I could but that stuff was always trash. It's more like "Would you like some coffee with your hot sugar"?

I don't think I have had anything from starbucks in at least a decade at this point.

[–] 1 pt 24d

I have one cup in the morning with cream. I probably should just quit it all together. Sugar is poison for sure.

[–] 1 pt 24d

If you make it yourself and you enjoy it, I don't see a reason to stop. I can't handle the acid anymore. I drink tea now when I want some caffeine but its crazy going from the insane amount of caffeine I used to live off of to basically none.

I feel like I function far better with caffeine but I could be wrong. Not like I have a good way to figure that out. I still don't sleep much (About as much as when I was getting probably at least 3-400mg of caffeine a day) but now I just feel a bit tired most of the time.

[–] 1 pt 23d

Coffee contains antioxidants and can help prevent the onset and / or progression of several auto-immune, neurological and neurodegenerative diseases.

You could skip the cream and replace it with MCT Oil for better health effects. Shilajit goes well with coffee too.

[–] 1 pt 23d

Ten year old Bunn, coffee grinder, filtered water, good quality beans. Been that way a long time. On my second Bunn.

[–] 1 pt 23d

I try to stay away from chain coffee shops. Yea, they tend to attract the kind of employees I don't want to talk to. Not to mention, a simple black coffee costs over $3.00 (thanks Fuck Joe Biden)

[–] 1 pt 23d

Black coffee for me, from either my own machine or the local gas station.

However, Romans:14 talks about this.
Paul was referring (if I remember correctly) to eating meat that was sourced from sellers associated with the pagan temples, who would sell sacrificed animals to local butchers. "is this meat somehow unclean, because of its association to the pagan idolatry of the area?"

Paul's response is basically: "Some of your fellow Christians think they need to be concerned with the chain of custody of their groceries. They don't. But don't let that give you cause to make fun of them for it. They mean well. Also, they shouldn't condemn you for not caring. These pagan gods aren't real, and so they have no power to make your food holy or unholy."

God made the coffee. Those faggots have no power over it.

Bonus: Romans 14:2(biblegateway.com) is one of the most fun Bible passages to take out of context.

[–] 1 pt 24d

If I have, and in a pinch, I would have McDonald's coffee. It's not "good" but it's "passable" which is more than I can say about every other place.

[–] 1 pt 23d

I make coffee at home, but every once in a great while, I support a local coffee place. None of the chains, none of those little drive through kiosk stands or whatever the fuck they are. Usually when I want something a little different from what I make at home. The local, family owned coffee joint closest to me has very smooth coffee. Great taste, not over laden with sugar even if you get a mocha, just very cozy.

Also, not as expensive as the chain places. Not exactly cheap, but not expensive, you get me?

[–] 1 pt 23d

enjoy your $7 monkeypox latte