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I will update the submission text with the images on twitter. Give me a moment. Album of twitter DM convo with elon(pic8.co)

This shows; 1 - elon hates Whites. 2 - elon is a jew. 3 - elon hates America and Americans. 4 - elon worships the ground Whites walk on but because of (1) he seethes about it "muh racism" "racism is bad" "they work so hard" "they deserve it" and other such judaism.

this(pic8.co) is, IMO, the biggest tell of elon's. Not his denial of his obvious judaism but that. It's an open borders opinion, it's pure loxism, pure judaism and only applies to White as can be seen in later parts of the convo. jews, jeets and nogs are allowed to be as racist and hateful to Whites as they please. jew elon just avoids that.

I will update the submission text with the images on twitter. Give me a moment. [Album of twitter DM convo with elon](https://pic8.co/a/4b8eb22a-8734-43e2-9da5-a87e09f5cd23) This shows; 1 - elon hates Whites. 2 - elon is a jew. 3 - elon hates America and Americans. 4 - elon worships the ground Whites walk on but because of (1) he seethes about it "muh racism" "racism is bad" "they work so hard" "they deserve it" and other such judaism. [this](https://pic8.co/sh/vjlgT4.png) is, IMO, the biggest tell of elon's. Not his denial of his obvious judaism but that. It's an open borders opinion, it's pure loxism, pure judaism and only applies to White as can be seen in later parts of the convo. jews, jeets and nogs are allowed to be as racist and hateful to Whites as they please. jew elon just avoids that.
[–] [Sticky] 1 pt last month (edited last month)

For those who don’t have a Twatter account:

nitter link(nitter.poast.org)


Image #1

Image #2

image #3

[–] 1 pt last month

Elon is a mystery. I don’t trust him.

[–] 0 pt last month

He is but in his mysterious swings back-and-forth he ALWAYS moves far more heavily in one way.