If you think that jew elon musk is saying "we" as in twitter and him are dumb then you're a cuck and not welcome. https://poal.co/s/kikes/742892
Still going to worship the sub 90-IQ jew(pic8.co) who's created nothing(pic8.co)?
e; Also this(pic8.co), why is a twitter engineer(pic8.co) - /yacineMTB - expressly bragging about White replacement and specifically in twitter but also broadly? While he also cowers and claims he's not a jeet(pic8.co)?
Who does that? Oh, right, jews do. As I've been telling you for 2+ years now: jeets ARE jews.
More proving that you're an idiot. I'm not sad that I'm not welcome in your mossad cubicle.
Nice nonreply, too much of a bitch to actually reply to the information. Just distract with a "hurrrrr ur mossad!!!"