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[–] 1 pt last month

Thank you.

I only do a few like this lately as they take so long to compose (upload to embed them, format, etc.) because I don't like being a lazy nigger and try to do things properly.

I have so little time for keeping up on reading poal and I used to spend it primarily make comments like this. I have already cut back spending my time making such 'related' comments to only being on just one or two posts now and then instead of making them on almost every post I could contribute something to.

I've starting to pay more attention to that cost>benefit voice that nags at my mind every time I start making a 'related' comment. I cut back mainly because I honestly don't think more than 2-3 on poal even read or care for these kinds of "related" comments I make on posts considering they seem to really only get maybe 1 or 2 upvotes. I'm fairly certain it's just AOU upvoting my contributions and then sometimes the OP of the post that I comment on also upvotes it (some posters have actually gotten pissed at me making a 'related' comment on their post and pretty much told me to fuck off). That voice may have a point.

[–] 1 pt last month

Well, I hate to hear about people being rude on here. I've only had that happen a few times over the years and it happened early. The few I have blocked happened from the very beginning of participating here.