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[Source.](https://x.com/Kahlissee/status/1878830163473121564) >
[–] 1 pt last month

What the hell timeline have I jumped to that Cenk Yugar is asking these questions? Isn't he a hard-line democrat stooge?

[–] 1 pt last month

What the hell timeline have I jumped to that Cenk Yugar is asking these questions? Isn't he a hard-line democrat stooge?

For the past couple of weeks Cenk has been playing the role of a 'realist' leftist. I think he's trying to pander to Trump and his team in order to keep some sort of career going. Kind of like Mika and Joe visiting Mar a Lago.

[–] 1 pt last month

That is Terrorism. Lock them up.

[–] 1 pt last month

They are getting a little too pushy

[–] 1 pt last month

I hope that idiot has his affairs in order...