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[–] 3 pts last month

Shuckle shuckle

[–] 1 pt last month

I think "left vs right" is just another kike-plot to divide us by ideal like Protestant vs Catholic, Left vs Right, Socialism vs Capitalism, Rich vs Poor, ...

What I am working on in myself is articulating my ideology in a manner that means the left can't define me as anything because as soon as they can put a name on you, as soon as they put you in a box, then they can use any words to slander you by association. I am also working on judging people by their words and their actions - if those two don't correlate then, depending on how much I like them, I call them hypocrite.

[–] 0 pt last month

You're right about that. This type of political division was invented and implemented still in Eastern Roman Empire.

The only right division is if someone's actions are guided by faith in God or material gain.