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This is in a thread of his where he claims Italians aren't White, like he said about the Irish. From which he made the same claim as jew noel ignatiev about the Irish not being White. .com/_M4xRe4lWell/status/1876313659829592378

.com/EMichaelJones1/status/1876083397371801800 This is in a thread of his where he claims Italians aren't White, like he said about the Irish. From which he made the same claim as jew noel ignatiev about the Irish not being White. .com/_M4xRe4lWell/status/1876313659829592378
[–] 1 pt 16d (edited 16d)

Is he jewish or just stupid? I'm watching his debate with Jim rizoli. You heard of him? If so, what are your thoughts about Jim?

Edit: alright after watching the debate I'm pretty convinced E Michael Jones is controlled opposition. He is dodges a lot of questions to keep to his narrative. Infuriating.

[–] 1 pt 16d

Probably controlled opp, but it's so tiresome to figure it all out.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

Gosh, the ADL says he's an anti-Semite Catholic.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

As he sources and directly quotes a jew with his anti-White, ahistorical sentiment.