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[–] 1 pt 1y

That might be true 200 years ago but now they throw away their clothes and throw a parade to celebrate their new found pedo friend while the cops is trying to show their baton up the ass of some guy reading the bible on the sidewalk.

[–] 0 pt 1y

while the cops is trying to show their baton up the ass of some guy reading the bible on the sidewalk

Did that actually happen? Because it wouldn't surprise me.

[–] 1 pt 1y

That’s a good quote. I hadn’t thought of it quite like that before

[–] 0 pt 1y

(((das judenscheissuntermenschen))) are the spawn of Satan. The Fallen Angel created and placed (((jews))) on earth and into our society thousands of years ago. Ole Leather Wings has a purpose: the destroy what God Hath Wrought. Every (((juden))), no matter what kind are absolute Evil personified. There is only one Solution: The Final Solution, where ALL (((judenscheiss))) are destroyed; hunted down and taken to The Rope.