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implementing a rotating 32-hour work week will not maintain existing levels of productivity and work quality, but increase them.

tldr: there are too many of us wasting the taxpayers money on useless jobs so you should cut our hours (but not our pay!) so that it looks like we are actually doing something.

>implementing a rotating 32-hour work week will not maintain existing levels of productivity and work quality, but increase them. tldr: there are too many of us wasting the taxpayers money on useless jobs so you should cut our hours (but not our pay!) so that it looks like we are actually doing something.
[–] 1 pt last month

They are just mad that now that Biden is gone the free ice cream bar is going with him back home.

[–] 1 pt last month

We all scream for ice cream!

And also 32h work weeks while not even realizing that it was Hitler that gave them 40h work weeks.

[–] 1 pt last month

Well, they think Trump is Hitler, maybe they will have better luck (doubting that one).