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[–] 1 pt last month (edited last month)

I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem very "green" to me. The energy conversion losses must be extraordinary: extracting crude, refining the crude, distributing the diesel, burning the diesel and converting mechanical motion to electrical energy, later converting it to chemical energy. Then converting chemical energy to electrical energy. Finally, converting electrical energy back to mechanical motion.

Not to mention all the particulate pollution the generator emits. Ouch!

Maybe skipping the entire electrical generation part and simply driving the wheels of a truck would be greener.

the electric vans are part of its "urgent" climate change initiative to "remove carbon emissions from transportation systems."


[–] 1 pt last month

Electricity is green energy! No pollutants! Please bro, why can't you see this?

[–] 1 pt last month

It must be my antisemitism kicking in.