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[–] [Sticky] 16 pts 2y

In the face of the potential fraud unearthed by Schrag, it’s not as if the world has changed overnight.

Four months after Schrag submitted his concerns to the NIH, the NIH turned around and awarded Lesa five-year grant to study Alzheimer’s.

That grant was awarded by Austin Yang, program director at the NIH’s National Institute on Aging.

Yang also happens to be another of the co-authors on the 2006 paper.

Just another fortunate Cohenchinkdence, goyim.

Archive of the original source this post's article is copy-pasted from:


[–] 12 pts 2y

Part before that is enraging:

What intrigued Schrag when he came back to this seminal work were the images. Images in the paper that were supposed to show the relationship between memory issues and the presence of Aβ*56 appeared to have been altered. Some of them appeared to have been pieced together from multiple images. Schrag shied away from actually accusing this foundational paper of being a “fraud,” but he definitely raised “red flags.” He raised those concerns, discreetly at first, in a letter sent directly to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Only when that letter failed to generate a response did Schrag bring his suspicions to others.

Now Science has concluded its own six-month review, during which it consulted with image experts. What they found seems to confirm Schrag’s suspicions.

They concurred with his overall conclusions, which cast doubt on hundreds of images, including more than 70 in Lesné’s papers. Some look like “shockingly blatant” examples of image tampering, says Donna Wilcock, an Alzheimer’s expert at the University of Kentucky.

After reviewing the images, molecular biologist Elisabeth Bik said of the paper, “The obtained experimental results might not have been the desired results, and that data might have been changed to better fit a hypothesis.”

Should this fraud turn out to be as extensive as it appears at first glance, the implications go well beyond just misdirecting tens of billions in funding and millions of hours of research over the last two decades. Since that 2006 publication, the presence or absence of this specific amyloid has often been treated as diagnostic of Alzheimer’s. Meaning that patients who did die from Alzheimer’s may have been misdiagnosed as having something else. Those whose dementia came from other causes may have falsely been dragged under the Alzheimer’s umbrella. And every possible kind of study, whether it’s as exotic as light therapy or long-running as nuns doing crossword puzzles, may have ultimately had results that were measured against a false yardstick.

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[–] 11 pts 2y


[–] 7 pts 2y

There is a considerable difference between science and "The Science"

[–] 4 pts 2y

sounds like the church vs Galileo to me, cant have the prevailing narrative challenged

[–] 8 pts 2y

Almost through Kennedy's book 'The real Anthony Fauci'.

This sounds like business as usual in the medical establishment. Fraud seems to be the rule, not the exception. See AIDS and COVID research.

[–] 5 pts 2y

Thanks to the power of the internet, we now have endless ways to expose them.

[–] 1 pt 2y

What kind of expose are you implying? The hunter biden way?

Some things are better off unseen.

[–] 3 pts 2y

You're not suggesting this whole fraud was orchestrated by mmm JEWS?

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

A neuroscience image sleuth finds signs of fabrication in scores of Alzheimer’s articles, threatening a reigning theory of the disease.


[–] [deleted] 19 pts 2y (edited 2y)

Same story as statins. They see some correlation with the disease and develop a drug to treat it. If a person had a viral infection and a fever, they'd develop a drug to knock down the fever. With statins, they try to lower the LDL levels.

The problem with this approach is that while these things correlate with the disease, the symptoms are the body's response to an underlying issue and not the issue itself. By treating the symptoms they make the disease worse. I suspect the data we see on statins is highly gamed and the drugs do more harm than good.

[–] 14 pts 2y

All intentional. If you get better, they lose profit.

In these times if you are sick and go to a doctor, you give yourself in the hands of someone who will prolong your illnesses and make you die slowly as he gets rich of your pain and suffering.

[–] 7 pts 2y (edited 2y)

Exactly, Goldman Sachs outright says curing diseases is bad for business.(mronline.org)

And we know had fraudulent (((big pharma))) is now and how world governments collude with them.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Exactly, Goldman Sachs outright says curing diseases is bad for business.

A prime example of why laissez-faire capitalism is fucking degenerate.

[–] 6 pts 2y

Your brain grey matter is made up of mostly cholesterol. Lower cholesterol everywhere and you end up with holes in the brain.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

Now now don't be going around telling those truths now... can of brains and gravy has over 2000mg cholesterol per serving...

[–] 6 pts 2y

Basically the industry's entire approach to cholesterol. High cholesterol means something else is wrong, causing vascular inflammation or damage. Their solution? Treat cholesterol and ignore the problem.

[–] 4 pts 2y (edited 2y)

Most people think now that cholesterol comes from food. Nope your body makes it because it needs it.

And the most common cause of elevated ldl? Plant based diets.

Statin drugs are the equivalent of curing colds by lowering white blood cells.

See you're getting better? Your ldl is down


[–] 2 pts 2y

^ I don't think most people realize how common this practice is!

Every time I've gone to the OBGYN with a concern the solution is "take birth control". WTF? Can't you come up with a treatment rather than a cover up? What's the point of going when they insist that treating the symptom is fixing the problem?

[–] 3 pts 2y

lots of stuff can be cured with vitamins found in nature A World Without Cancer(goodreads.com), Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know about(goodreads.com) are a couple old books that get into this along with sources and referring other books.

The Real Anthony Fauci(goodreads.com) is newer touches on all that, gets into how he helped turn HIV/AIDS into a massive fraud. Making it so every Gay has HIV/AIDS by default.......look what theyre doing with monkey pox theyre following the Fauci method.

Medicine has been turned into a massive scam for profit, fauci helped engineer all that.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 2y

Yep, it's surprising when you look at how effective non-pharmaceutical interventions are compared to pharmaceutical ones. Almost all diseases today are those of environment. Vitamins work not because they are some super-nutrients but because our diet are vitamin-deficient. And it's not just the vitamins that are needed, but vitamins in a certain ratios, and minerals too.

It's interesting that you mention the book A World Without Cancer. I've independently come to a similar conclusion but from my own line of reasoning. The body is made up of trillions of cells, each cell is a unit of life. Each cell is an organism in and of itself, but one that functions as part of a whole. There's what's effectively a contract with other cells: Provide me with nutrients and a healthy environment and I will perform my function. Like all life, these cells have a will to live. And when this ancient covenant is broken, when you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, the cells rebel and put their own survival ahead of the collective. They unshackle themselves from the rules they were bound to and reproduce without limit.

[–] 4 pts 2y (edited 2y)

In the 1980s, MD Anderson performed basic research on vitamin cancer treatment and compared it with chemo. They found it was almost as effective, and that those provided did not suffer long term health issues and didn't destroy your immune system, as chemo is designed to do. Likewise they found vitamins as a compliment to all radiation provide superior short term and long term outcomes. Meaning any radiation treatment not accompanied with a vitamin protocol is not intended to provide an ideal outcome.

Shortly after this, they used the FDA to literally take hostages at gun point, attempt to outlaw vitamins, redefined "cured" for cancer, and came out with different chemo treatment protocols which were slightly more effective. They then began campaigning on the dangers of vitamins, with "education" campaigns.

This story leaked on the Houston Chronicle. The research was immediately halted, they were forced to retract their findings, and all researchers involved were threatened.

[–] 2 pts 2y

There is a correlation between burning buildings and nearby fire trucks. Let's drone the fire trucks to prevent fires.

[–] 9 pts 2y

The cause of alzheimers is overconsumption of sugar. There saved you a bunch of research money.

[–] 4 pts 2y

Lol sugar. Not the aluminum, flouride, and statins goy!

[–] 0 pt 2y

Everyone should get away from plant based diets.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Gerson Therapy disagrees.

[–] 1 pt 2y

I came across a study talking about "type 3 diabetis". It claimed that a component of coconut oil/baby formulas/whole milk is an alternate fuel source for the brain. There is anecdotal evidence that supplementation can halt and reverse neuro-degeneration.

TLDR: switched to whole milk, and have drastically lowered sugar consumption. Never felt better!

[–] 0 pt 2y

What are you basing that on?

[–] 4 pts 2y

This is why pharma companies should not be shielded from liability and lawsuits. It takes a long time to test and discover mistakes that can cost people their lives. If pharma companies had to start defending their drugs in court to outside scrutiny and lose money from poor practices, they would enact safe guards very quickly.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt 2y
[–] 4 pts 2y

I don't believe any of these people's bullshit anymore. Don't listen to these people,listen to those they try to shut up. This is an absolute horror what the medical establishment is doing to people.

[–] 4 pts 2y

From my understanding, Alzheimers is heavy metal poisoning, mostly due to mercury fillings and lead exposure. Our parents are probably all going to end up retarded.

[–] 3 pts 2y

My grandfather is 86, worked with lead cables for 30 years every single day, still sharp as a tack. Swing again. The demonization of lead was to reduce rf sheilding in homes and to benefit plastics industries. Not saying we haven't benefited from replacing some lead uses...

[–] 2 pts 2y

Banning lead in gasoline was clearly a good thing for everyone's health. Breathing in lead in the air from gasoline combustion was bad and has been linked to heart disease, brain damage, cancer, etc.

[–] 1 pt 2y

But not alzheimers. Lead can be removed and no longer becomes an issue to the body.

Banning lead in gasoline was clearly a good thing for everyone's health. Breathing in lead in the air from gasoline combustion was bad and has been linked to heart disease, brain damage, cancer, etc.

Whether it was intentional or not, this is a strawman arguement. No one claimed inhaling lead was good...

[–] 1 pt 2y

My grandfather is 86, worked with lead cables for 30 years every single day, still sharp as a tack. Swing again.

Everyone has different tolerances and ability to deal with toxins. There was a guy that could eat metal. If you ate a pile of metal shaving you would probably die.

Lead is most poisonous when ingested. Casual contact is not generally harmful. I have 7 children and live in a house with lead paint, so I was curious.

Your point about RF shielding is 100% valid. I have not removed any paint from my home.

My point about lead was secondary but if you pay attention to current news, lead contamination of water is a big problem currently in the U.S. Perhaps there is another issue with the water, but lead makes sense, since when they replace the pipes people stop getting sick.

I would argue that mercury is a far bigger problem. Because it is literally put in your mouth. Chewing and consumption of hot substances causes vaporization of the mercury. It is pretty fucked.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Well reasoned reply, I agree.


[–] 4 pts 2y

All to avoid telling you aluminum and flouride have chemically eaten holes in your brain.

[–] 4 pts 2y

Ah.. so like Gates and Fauci?

[–] 3 pts 2y

This is appalling. The entire world is corrupt and worthless.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Our society abandoned its faith, lost its moral compass, and allowed evil people into positions of power.

I don't personally believe in a specific organized religion, but I sure as hell hope that Christians can retake power in the US, and not in the form of cucked judeo-christianity either.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Maybe one day they'll look at climate science. Mann's "Hockey Stick" has been proven to be a statistical fraud for close to two decades, but "The Science" continues, like a madman, down the path of "climate catastrophe" towards mass starvation and death. Fucking death cultists.

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