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Soon to be joining the 41%.

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[–] 19 pts 2y (edited 2y)

It’s easy to be hard on them, but reading things like that makes me sad. Theyhad some mental issues when they were younger and they were duped into this by peers/psychologist/doctors. Such a pity. I can relate in a sense, because I have some big regrets from my past, nothing this life altering. That’s why it’s so important we end this for our kids now

[–] 14 pts 2y

Sometimes being nice to someone in the long term is being harsh to them in the short term

[–] 10 pts 2y

It is sad, in the same way that learning about how a kid was brainwashed into becoming a communist or w/e is. What they have become is a monster, a problem for humanity- but they had the potential to be better, and it was stolen from them when they were children, too naive to know they were being lied to, too naive to the ways of the world.

I grieve for the person they could have been. I grieve for the woman who posted this, the dead one- the one that died at age 18 under the knife of a surgeon. I feel nothing but disgust for the 27 year old Frankenstein's monster with the fucked up voice, scars where her tits should be, fucked up body structure, dressing like a man, and despises themselves. It's too late to help her, the damage is done, you can't fucking undo amputations and a decade or more of hormone "therapy".

But then there's a part of me that is like "She was 18 when she went through with this. She should have fucking known better." I do not buy mental illness as an excuse. She's just a trend follower. It's trendy to be faggy in current year clown world. Even more trendy to be "trans". Women love following trends, and it's horrifying whenever a truly nightmarish trend (such as "get your tips chopped off and take testosterone and be a 'man' in a lesbian relationship") takes off and you see women start following it in droves. The smarter women will encourage (subconsciously, I believe) other women to do this, because it eliminates them from Chad's breeding pool.

This woman had nice tits, allegedly. Could've probably fed several children well. Usually nice tits are paired with a good child-carrying frame. This woman could be a happy mother right now, holding her newest child to her breast. But there is no breast to hold it to. I think that's why she's suddenly fixating on this, she's at that age (mid 20s) where women are supposed to be like up to their waist in their children. Her biology is crying out, "GET A BABY, PASS ON YOUR GENES, FIND A CHAD!" But her twitter is telling her "Cut your tits off, get a dyke haircut, lick vaginas, it's so great and strong and brave". And this post is that war in her head made manifest.

Truly sickening.

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[–] 7 pts 2y

It's too late to help her

There is really nothing that can be done for that one but by spreading her story we most certainly help the younger girls who are going through the jewish meat grinder.

Cross post this somewhere else and do your part.

[–] 2 pts 2y

This woman could be a happy mother right now, holding her newest child to her breast. But there is no breast to hold it to.

But that is why it is so sad. Fortunately I never fell victim to this stuff. But when I was 18 through 20 I got a bunch of tattoos, something that I can’t change now. So I can understand how a juvenile mind is not thinking clearly and does not fully grasp the implications of what they are doing. Fortunately I was still able to have kids and live a happy life. This poor decision she made in her first act as a “adult” ruined her life, and that’s why this is a tragedy and not a comedy

[–] 1 pt 2y

The fact that you equate your poor, but ultimately rather harmless decision to get tattoos in your early 20s to someone demanding that their tits be removed so they can more effectively emulate a male is horrific. How did we get to this point?

For a normal person in their late teens-early 20s, a mistake is getting too drunk at a party and getting into a fist fight, or getting a regrettable tattoo.

In current year, a mistake for a late teen-early 20 person is having their sex "changed" by mutilating all of their genitals and being pumped full of exogenous hormones.

At least you could get a tattoo removed or covered up if it's that bad. These idiots... no turning back. And they are idiots to be swept up by this shit.

[–] 5 pts 2y

Pretty sure a little honest chat with "it" would make you change your mind entirely the second she learns that, you're that racist-nazi-right-wing-conspiracy-theorist the tv talks about and starts spitting at your face non stop out of rage as a result

Now maybe I'm wrong, maybe she wouldn't be hard on you

[–] 1 pt 2y

yeah, @Titus_of_voati am pretty sure that conversation would go south, fast.

[–] 0 pt 2y

It is a difficult task to combat the brainwashing but we have to root for those trying.

[–] 5 pts 2y

Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. Everybody has regrets in life. Queer degeneracy yields its own consequences. Tough shit. Part of growing up and growing older is learning to live with choices one makes in their youth.

[–] 3 pts 2y

And hopefully these people speaking about their experiences will serve as a warning for others.

[–] 2 pts 2y

The thing these mentally-unwell people needed to hear was that there is nothing in this world better than an intact and healthy body. It is the most precious gift you've been given, and the most important thing to protect.

The so-called doctors and teachers pushing this horrific medical catastrophe should be held accountable for the harm they've caused.

I can't completely forgive the people who fell for it, but I agree that I have no hatred for them whatsoever, only pity. I hate the people who did this to them though.

[–] 5 pts 2y

Simple people used to have a society try and protect them.

But now this simple person, who because she is white and whites lost their nations, is now deliberately targeted for harm.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Imposter. That is such a good word for this whole charade. Putting on an elaborate disguise and masquerading as something you aren’t.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Sad. No father or worse, a Redditor as a father. This is the outcome..

Talking with my wife - just wait when all these drag-qween-storytime kids are teenagers. Looking at something like "70% identify as rainbow and mandatory grooming" .

[–] 1 pt 2y

I don't hate trans people who have regrets. They are victims of a failed system. This is exactly why so many are fighting so hard to keep this out of schools and not to have it forced on young children who are simply exploring a very confusing society.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

but they were great looking

Bet they were not, and also this "thing" was ugly af as a woman anyway.

[–] 1 pt 2y

That's heartbreaking.

[–] 1 pt 2y

So sad. People tend to forget that it is the weak that are most susceptible to propaganda. It's easy to hate them when they are aggressive, rude and arrogant like Antifa, but not everyone is like that. Some are just lost souls in a bad place searching for happiness and meaning. I think most people from 15-25 are like that as the mind is still developing. Sadly life is not a videogame, and if you irreversibly change your body with drugs or surgery, there is no going back.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Weak minded libruhls trying to make dogs into cats with their toaster ovens!

[–] 1 pt 2y

this is her at age 27. wait until she's 40

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

>I feel like an imposter

When the imposter is sus !

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding dingdingding

[–] 0 pt 2y

At least she realized her error. Seppuku is the only honorable thing left to do.

[–] 0 pt 2y

That's so sad bro.

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