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[–] 14 pts 4y

The difference is one is a pedophile and one killed pedophiles.

[–] 10 pts 4y

And that's anti-semitism.

[–] 8 pts 4y

Broken? Or working exactly as intended?

When pedos run the system, shit like this happens.

[–] 4 pts 4y

That's wrong,

A court commissioner set a $500 signature bail for Blomme, and he was released from jail on Wednesday. Blomme, who has not yet publicly addressed the charges, is slated to appear in court on April 19.


[–] 2 pts 4y

Don't forget. ...all 3 communist antifa scumbags that Kyle shot in self defense were jews.

Jews = 2% of our "united states of america". What are the odds? ...what are the odds?

[–] 2 pts 4y

This guy was supposed to prosecute pedos but he became one?!

[–] 1 pt 4y

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who watches the watchers?) Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires

[–] 1 pt 4y

Best way to control the opposition is to run it yourself.

Perhaps this is why the Founding Fathers were against judges needing to be certified lawyers, and why, according to some on the right, the original 13th Amendment (passed Congress in 1810) would make it so that any lawyer who has passed the bar would lose his US citizenship?

[–] 0 pt 4y

He was a pedo defender lawyer, prior to being a judge. At 37 yo.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Judges love pedos

[–] 1 pt 4y

He looks so sweet :(

[–] 0 pt 4y

Justice for just us, goy.

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