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If you borrow a stock for $10 you can then buy it at 9$ and return the stock to the owner. You just made $1.

The problem is that you must return the stock to the owner when the term of the contract is up so if, for example, and Himalayan basket weaving forum enlists the help of a snoo army and the stock goes up you have to buy those shares at what ever price is being offered.

Instead of buying the stock back at $9 the jews who thought up this scheme are going to have to buy the stock back at (for example) $400. Nobody really knows how high the price will go because the stocks MUST be bought back by Friday. In order to buy back all of these goyim controlled stocks major hedge funds are loaning billions of dollars to the original short seller and when this all falls apart (which it will) the stock market will be left a burning wreck.

Sorry about those 401Ks guys but the Gamergate revenge will leave no survivors.

If you borrow a stock for $10 you can then buy it at 9$ and return the stock to the owner. You just made $1. The problem is that you must return the stock to the owner when the term of the contract is up so if, for example, and Himalayan basket weaving forum enlists the help of a snoo army and the stock goes up you have to buy those shares at what ever price is being offered. Instead of buying the stock back at $9 the jews who thought up this scheme are going to have to buy the stock back at (for example) $400. Nobody really knows how high the price will go because the stocks MUST be bought back by Friday. In order to buy back all of these goyim controlled stocks major hedge funds are loaning billions of dollars to the original short seller and when this all falls apart (which it will) the stock market will be left a burning wreck. Sorry about those 401Ks guys but the Gamergate revenge will leave no survivors.

(post is archived)

[–] 14 pts 4y

I fucking love the chans. Gamers are truly the most fearsome anti-semitic force this planet has ever seen.

[–] 13 pts 4y

They only wanted to be left alone to their games. Who knew taking that away with upset them.

[–] 11 pts 4y

I wanted to be left alone to play my video games, this was over 10 years ago. Me and the boys have been stewing for 10+ years.

They don't know how bad they fucked up yet.

Gamer bro's always succeed, we refuse to lose. If one of us fall, the others recognize the mistake in real time. Video games have programmed us to succeed at any cost.. At any cost..

Enders game comes to mind.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Enders game comes to mind.

I still remember how I came to realize his mindset on winning wasn't the norm. TBF I was rather young when I read that.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Ummm I respectfully disagree the amount of quiters in videos games online disgust me and they want to quit as soon as anything looks like it's going bad

[–] [deleted] 11 pts 4y

In other words, the goyim out jewed the jew.

[–] 9 pts 4y

I think it's a tad bit more interesting than that. The real issue is that certain people like (((Gabe Plotkin))) and his fund Melvin Capital are not allowed to fail. Most of the people who are counter parties buying GameStop didn't know this at the time.

The stock was a bit undervalued at the time because typically GameStop makes good profits after new consoles are released (both a new Xbox and Playstation just got released) as well as increased game buying from the lockdowns. Additionally, there was the fact that GameStop has 50k+ employees who tend to also the the maligned geeky type as well which further merits saving them for a year or two.

Rather than just accept moderate losses a little while ago, (((Gabe Plotkin))) doubled down knowing he wouldn't be allowed to fail. Then he doubled down again using a bunch of illegal-for-peons tactics when that went bad. So here we are. Someone who isn't allowed to lose a bet is on the wrong side of a very large losing bet. The odds are good that he still won't be allowed to lose. The only way this is possible is doing something crazy like stopping trading on GameStop this Friday. Problem is, this will blow confidence in the entire market, because most players don't know who else not allowed to fail.

They're stuck between their commitments to protect their own and potentionally collapsing the whole market. The U.S. has already invested over $10 trillion in the market over the past year, and it has only lead to scammers scamming more scammers. No where near that much has been given to citizens who aren't allowed to work or to small business literally burnt to the ground by criminal rioters.

[–] 4 pts 4y

Apparently it wasn't as difficult as we thought it would be. Still going to be a huge mess but if it gas chambers a lot of the long nose tribe I am, for one, willing to live with the consequences.

[–] 8 pts 4y

The fact you can short more than 100% of the stock tells you what a scam the stock market is. It is a ponzi scheme.

[–] 5 pts 4y

I used to think that a companies stock price effected how much money they had in their bank account, then I learned that the stock price has nothing to do with the companies balance sheet. But if you have a huge "market cap" then you can borrow from the jews based on how much the Vegas odds love you.

What a world.

[–] 7 pts 4y

AMC is next

[–] 13 pts 4y

Fucking Elon "who do you think owns the media" Musk is really driving a shiv in their side, most of the borrowed money went into short positions in AMC to cover for GME.

Oy Vey! pic related https://pic8.co/sh/YRoa81.jpeg

[–] 1 pt 4y

Apparently Melvin Capital has been fucking with Elon for years and shorting $TSLA. Now he gets his revenge

best African American

[–] [deleted] 6 pts 4y

At first I thought this was retarded, and to an extent it still is, but now I realize it's fucking hilarious.

Muh high jewish IQ strikes again it seems.

[–] 4 pts 4y

"Jews will lose money if you buy gamestock ."

100 posts on /pol/ all say the same thing. Everyone buys gamestock making the price insanely high ostensibly to bankrupt the jew investment company that sold short by Friday.

...I don't trust this story. It sounds like the kind of thing a jew would scheme to do. I don't think the goyim are going to beat the jew at their own game. It sounds like just the opposite. It sounds like the jew investment company bought gamestock low and with a bunch of anonymous posts to 4chan and reddit, artificially inflated the price of the stock so they could sell at a massive gain.

Trust no one.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

The real "Hall of Cost", if you will

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

I hope all of this is real. Ironically, I protected my investment savings yesterday.

[–] 5 pts 4y

It's as serious as a heart attack my friend, the Banks are having to get involved to cover their tribes' asses:


pic related https://files.catbox.moe/6xp0c3.jpg

[–] [deleted] 5 pts 4y

I wish I could organize people like this. I could shut down the jews in a month.

[–] 2 pts 4y (edited 4y)

...so how bad an idea is it to buy Gamestop stock? I know nothing of stocks, but if this is a bubble, it could be interesting to get in on that before it bursts.

EDIT: It turns out I'm a gambler.

[–] 6 pts 4y

It's like that movie about poker. If you don't know who the sucker is at the table, it's you.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Right, these people are putting their $$$ thinking a billionaire HAS TO abide by the same laws they do. The billionaire will fold, pay his fine to the courts and they're going to be left in the cold owning an overpriced stock in an outdated company.

[–] 5 pts 4y

If you are prepared to lose the entire investment, you just might have a lot of fun with it before it disappears.

Buy a single share and do your part! You just might win, (probably will lose.)

All of those hours invested in MMO has taught the gamers the value of coordinated moves in the millions of users.

This is just like one of those massive Eve Online space battles, taking down a space fortress. Basically the same thing.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Many guessing will hit 300. Some saying 100.

The whole industry will be trying to crash the price tomorrow to prevent a Friday bloodbath.

But. BUT. If everyone calms down and sells nothing, the price will go above 1,000.

The taxpayers will cover it. Dont worry.

[–] 1 pt 4y

You're a few days too late to the party fren. In the last 5 days it has gone from $43 to $148 per share. With Musk's tweet today it is unlikely we'll see this steep an increase for a little while.

In simple terms let's pretend you bought 100 shares at $40 (total spent $4000). You look at the finishing price today and decide that if it falls to $140 you'll sell half of them so 50 shares at $!40 (is $7000 so you made $3k and are free rolling the other 50 shares).

It is common that at peaks a percentage of people will sell some of their shares --- and I think today it is over inflated because of Musk and it might take a small dip tomorrow. We shall see though. I hope it hits $200 by the end of the week!!

[–] 0 pt 4y

Its already over $200. It boomed after close hitting $250 at one point.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

Already too late, should have done it a week ago

[–] 2 pts 4y

This needs to become common practice.

(((soros))) and his currency manipulation needs to be tracked this same way and make that fuck lose billions.

Every wall street fund should be investigated for shorts and countered as well - make them afraid to speculate on anything.

Then hopefully the banks will start to behave better.

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