You're right I misread what you said because I'm fucking pissed off. Sorry.
That's why leftists are the biggest advocates against the death penalty, and police shootings, because leftists are the ones who would routinely be shot and hung for murder, treason, raping kids, and probably much more.
Now we agree. i can be a little less concerned because i live in a Free state where everyone is armed and the state has laws to protect against this BS. But there will be no mistake about my stance If they are stupid enough to violate My 2nd Amendment because at 68, i have ZERO criminal record.
Well sorry I'm just used to dealing with retards on the internet and especially in my generation. I'm a millennial and I've become FAR more conservative than my parents. I get really fucking angry about this shit especially after things like my most recent submission. I have a wife now and a baby on the way and I've been getting more and more intolerant and angry towards this lunacy. I just want off the fucking ride and I want some sort of sanity to return to the world. Something has to give. I live in a very liberal area, not a shit hole overcrowded area full of crime thankfully but I know one day it will be. I know I will need to abandon ship one day. And I get sick of holding my tongue all day every day.
Hint, don't posture on gun control. Instead use the facts and actual results and failures of gun control to make them look stupid. That is why they try to hide Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year.
(post is archived)