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So, about next month or so.

So, about next month or so.
[–] 2 pts last month

I really thought that was a very weird set of toes at first.

After consideration. I have decided that is a beast claw.

Whatever gave it that ring, isn't sane.

[–] 2 pts last month

This is one for the old Voat PaintedSausages subverse. I’ve never seen anything like it.

[–] 1 pt last month

What the actual fuck

[–] 1 pt last month

The sad thing is that some thirsty nigger probably does fuck it.

[–] 1 pt last month

"Mooooooooooooove over dear. I need the entire sofa."

[–] 1 pt last month

Looks like Miss Piggy’s hoof

[–] 0 pt last month

That has to be a birth defect ...