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...shoveling its pie hole with goyslop.


...shoveling its pie hole with goyslop. [Source](https://nypost.com/2025/01/07/world-news/influencer-killadamente-who-boasted-6m-followers-on-instagram-dead-at-27)
[–] 4 pts last month

It was too lazy to chew.

[–] 2 pts last month

Oh dear. Not a good way to go

[–] 3 pts last month

Not good but maybe appropriate.

[–] 2 pts last month

More chewing, less shoveling.

[–] 2 pts last month

Probably too fat to do a heimlich maneuver on.

[–] 0 pt last month

You’d have to be Kamala or Big Mike for that.

[–] 2 pts last month

Too bad it reproduced.

[–] 1 pt last month

What do you have against future scientists?

[–] 1 pt last month

I love a happy ending. Hopefully (((Disney))) makes a movie.

[–] 0 pt last month

Like Tarzan there is no way they can put anything but a white there, so it will never get made ..

[–] 0 pt last month

Apologists can claim that anyone could choke to death, so it wasn't all the food and fatness.

[–] 1 pt last month

Indeed, just like any water drain can get clogged.

Human sized people don’t shovel large amounts of food down their pie hole, so the risk of choking is way less likely.

It would be interesting to get a study on the average weight of people who died from choking food.