Yes, we have metabolic health crisis in the Land Of The Free Refill and seem to be waddling towards and over the sugary cliffs of destruction. Numbers do not lie. However....according to BMI, which is the current Standard Of Care barometer, at 6' 3" 220 lbs, I fall into the overweight bucket despite the fact that I am at 10% body fat and have biomarkers of men half my age. Takeaway: BMI is bullshit.
BMI is used because it works in the vast majority of cases. It has never worked for someone like you and was not intended to. Just keep that in mind.
Oh, I am well aware. But it would not be difficult to implement a a better measurement standard. Hell, even something as dumbed down simple as Waist to Hip ratio is a better gross predictor of health. Belly Fat does not lie.
I get where you are coming from. People are too stupid to even understand BMI. Changing things will complicate the dumb even more.
It's pretty fucking obvious if you are fat/overweight. There are just a bunch of morons that think they need something to prove they are/aren't (that they then argue against saying its inaccurate because it does not work for a small portion of the population).
Thus, why this is in /s/fatpeoplehate. ;)