Hmm, how long before this conspiracy is proven true?
If you’re one of the unfortunate victims of this biological warfare event, look for alternative remedies. Horse paste was proven to be effective against viruses, parasites and cancer. Look to what they tell you NOT to take and study that.
I sweat too much in my sleep often. Wonder if I have candida from my drinking days
You can buy horse paste and dog dewormer from big box stores and the internet. That should clear up candida, but more likely you may need to work on improving the health of your liver. One easy supplement is Milk Thistle. You can even grow it in your garden. It helps your liver repair itself. Also eat cleanly. And I mean reduce sugars and processed foods as much as possible, eat only organic and non-gmo foods. They’re healthier because the pesticide is trapped within the plant cells, you can’t wash it away and it fucks with your endocrine and nervous systems. Eat meat, healthy fats (olive oil, avocados and avocado oil and animal fats only) and non-starchy veggies only. Drink filtered or distilled water. Try to improve the health of your environment. Don’t allow mold to grow, wash linens & carpets often if you have allergies. Get sunshine and plenty of exercise. Whatever your problem, cleaning up for your food and environment will help you feel better. Sunshine is vital. If you can’t afford a gym membership take walks in parks or rural areas.
Take up a hobby that brings you outdoors. Birdwatching, hiking, camping, disc golf, whatever gets you outside and moving will make you feel better.
I've taken yoga back up recently and joined the Y. Not hiking as much as I'd like with current weather
Candida symptoms are easily spotted and internal yeast infections show specific symptoms. I went keto and used a few different anti-fungal type supplements to try and rid myself of yeast. Seemed to help, but its the sugars they crave.
I do use way too much sugar in my coffee. At least I drink more decaf these days