It's not very radioactive, why are you freaking out goyim
Dirty bombs exist
Cobalt 59 enrichment to 60 is a thing
Slipping tasteless radioactive material into food supplies isn't a very difficult task
Aerosol alpha emitters can potentially kill more people, silently, than a neutron bomb if released in a stadium event
>It's not very radioactive, why are you freaking out goyim
>Dirty bombs exist
>Cobalt 59 enrichment to 60 is a thing
>Slipping tasteless radioactive material into food supplies isn't a very difficult task
>Aerosol alpha emitters can potentially kill more people, silently, than a neutron bomb if released in a stadium event
My knowledge on stuff pertaining to nuclear is very limited. Could you explain your post to me like I'm a retard?
My knowledge on stuff pertaining to nuclear is very limited. Could you explain your post to me like I'm a retard?
Magic rocks good when used properly, bad when used by niggers and jews for nefarious purposes
Magic rocks good when used properly, bad when used by niggers and jews for nefarious purposes