You generally have to order properly spicy shit online instead of in a US store. Like it's different concepts of spicy. I will say tho that ghost pepper chicken noodle campbell's made is something else. Eats like ur inflicting organ damage on yourself lol. Worst part happens at the toilet.
Fair, though I don't entirely agree - it all depends if I am buying a brand I am familiar with from the store (Puckerbutt typically). Trouble is, many places depend on extract (oil) to make their sauce hot since many of the ingredients are even a pasteurization process with destroy the heat. I typically refuse to buy a sauce that contains extract and I will never use it in my sauces - I depend on the pepper to speak for it with complimentary ingredients - if I need more heat, I will make fresh powder from whatever I have (typically reaper). I do add my own reaper mash to our gumbo, pho ga, barbacoa, and a few others and it is right up there with Puckerbutt's Gator, Reaper Squeezin's, to name a couple. haven't presented my Reaper Mash yet, I have one more bottle left (out of 5) I bottled 2 years ago - that I would rate at at least 1M SHU.
Interesting on the soup - try your ghost in [homemade] pho ga and it will be a whole new experience. I no longer have issues after eating superhots when it comes to the 'after party' hahaha
what online resources do you suggest?
I only think in ground red pepper versus jalapeno, versus habanero... skip some jews... then carolina reaper versus pepper x. I've never fucked around and found out w/ pepper x yet. I can tell you even a tiny half shake of the reaper in a bowl of chili has me sweating more than 8 full shakes of red pepper in the same bowl.
totally. when I mix a 1/4 cup of sauce in a bowl of wings I know the top of my head will look like the skin of a tent in a rainstorm - great feeling. I have only gotten as far as 3 sauces made with Pepper X and it is a great tasting pepper. Ed Curry has not yet, and may not release the seeds commercially, but if he does I know I will be growing them. Until then, I have had some success albeit not very much with growing Dragon's Breath which unofficially beat the reaper by about 500k SHU - I have two jars soaking right now, a little over a year age for both.
(post is archived)