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Alls I'm asking of you women is to not make us too mad. It's not that hard. Just be nice. From the time I turned 13, I understood I had the strength to kill my mother and sisters. I could have crushed their fucking skulls if I wanted to. But I'm civilized. Domesticated. Peaceful. However, I remain a very, very dangerous focus point in this timeline. You women better start behaving. You better start being nice to us.
I guarantee you won't like the men in your life when we unleash all that pent up fury. Juchi the Accursed stabbed himself in the eyes for his sins. I'm just getting madder and madder by the day. You women won't like the coming War World.

Alls I'm asking of you women is to not make us too mad. It's not that hard. Just be nice. From the time I turned 13, I understood I had the strength to kill my mother and sisters. I could have crushed their fucking skulls if I wanted to. But I'm civilized. Domesticated. Peaceful. However, I remain a very, very dangerous focus point in this timeline. You women better start behaving. You better start being nice to us. I guarantee you won't like the men in your life when we unleash all that pent up fury. Juchi the Accursed stabbed himself in the eyes for his sins. I'm just getting madder and madder by the day. You women won't like the coming War World.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

this dynamic is the subconscious worry of the woman, hoping to keep you docile through mental manipulation and guilt. Meanwhile, the strength of the man can cause him to be drunk with power. both sides suck in their cliches...

[–] 1 pt

The Integral Trees and The Smoke Ring were set in an amazing (but mathematically possible) world where there was plenty of air to breathe, but no gravity. Or very little gravity. The trees. The concept was stunning in its potential, but the characters the author populated his "what if" world were not all that interesting.

This dynamic is the basis of several post-apocalyptic novels I've read. Did you know the movie Bladerunner was based on an Isacc Azimov novel called Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep?

Most popular sci-fi pulp from the 60s til today have been written by jews or jew-friendly authors. They had to be or they wouldn't get published. And if they did get published, they wouldn't have been distributed. It's the jews man, the jews. lol

What's your favorite sci-fi book?

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Electric Sheep is good I do remember that. Of course growing up I loved *1984 *George Orwell, Dune, Frankenstein, Battlefield Earth...

Recently, a surprising series that I really appreciate is C.S. Lewis's mostly unknown Sci-Fi Trilogy : Perelandra. All three books in that Trilogy are a complete Mind Warp. Outstanding. If only we had the author's uncensored copies...

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The Adventures of the Stainless Steel Rat totally changed my life. Seriously.