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Operation Trust: "In 1921, as the NEP was being launched, the OGPU created inside Soviet Russia a false anti-Soviet organization, the Monarchist Alliance of Central Russia. It had once been a genuine organization, founded by Czarist generals in Moscow and Leningrad but liquidated by the Soviet security service in 1919-20. Former members of this organization, among them Czarist generals and members of the old aristocracy who had come over to the Soviet side, nominally led the movement. Their new loyalty to the Soviet regime was not in doubt, for they had betrayed their former friends in the anticommunist underground. (cdn.nybooks.com) They were the Czarist generals Brusilov and Zaynchkovskiy; the Czarist military attache in Yugoslavia, General Potapov; and the Czarist transport official Yakushev. The most active agent in the Trust was a former intelligence officer of the General Staff in Czarist Russia whose many names included Opperput. They could act as channels for disinformation; they could be blackmailed and recruited as agents; they could be arrested and given public trials. They were designed to attract to their ranks genuine opponents of the regime inside and outside the country. These innocent persons could then be used by the regime in various ways. They could act as channels for disinformation; they could be blackmailed and recruited as agents; they could be arrested and given public trials. A characteristic, but not unique, example of this technique is provided by the so-called "Trust" operation.

[TRUST THE PLAN:] These agents confided in their contacts that the anti-Soviet mon- archist movement that they represented was now well established in Soviet Russia, had penetrated into the higher levels of the army, the security service, and even the government, and would in time take power and restore the monarchy.They convinced the emigre leaders that the regime had undergone a radical change. Communism had completely failed; ideology was dead; the present leaders had nothing in common with the fanatical revolutionaries of the past. They were nationalists at heart, and their regime was evolving into a moderate, national regime and might soon collapse.

"fools who had been deluded by the clever OGPU provocation" or were pressured or blackmailed by the threat of being discredited. [Jan 6th?] (files.catbox.moe)

[Operation Trust goals] The European governments and the emigre leaders should put a stop to anti-Soviet terrorist activities and change their attitude from hostility toward the Soviet regime to one of passive acceptance. [how much of the 'do a terrorism' meme, is the modern Operation Trust? (i.kym-cdn.com)]

Shortly afterward, operation Trust was terminated with the arrest of those opponents of the regime who had been unwise enough to reveal themselves as such by associating with the Trust. "

*Diversity is our greatest strength* https://archive.org/stream/NewLiesForOld/New%20Lies%20For%20Old%20%281990%29_djvu.txt Operation Trust: "In 1921, as the NEP was being launched, the OGPU created inside Soviet Russia a false anti-Soviet organization, the Monarchist Alliance of Central Russia. It had once been a genuine organization, founded by Czarist generals in Moscow and Leningrad but liquidated by the Soviet security service in 1919-20. Former members of this organization, among them Czarist generals and members of the old aristocracy who had come over to the Soviet side, nominally led the movement. [**Their new loyalty to the Soviet regime was not in doubt, for they had betrayed their former friends in the anticommunist underground.**](https://cdn.nybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/GettyImages-996941476.jpg) They were the Czarist generals Brusilov and Zaynchkovskiy; the Czarist military attache in Yugoslavia, General Potapov; and the Czarist transport official Yakushev. The most active agent in the Trust was a former intelligence officer of the General Staff in Czarist Russia whose many names included Opperput. They could act as channels for disinformation; they could be blackmailed and recruited as agents; they could be arrested and given public trials. They were designed to attract to their ranks genuine opponents of the regime inside and outside the country. These innocent persons could then be used by the regime in various ways. They could act as channels for disinformation; they could be blackmailed and recruited as agents; they could be arrested and given public trials. A characteristic, but not unique, example of this technique is provided by the so-called "Trust" operation. [**TRUST THE PLAN:**] These agents confided in their contacts that the anti-Soviet mon- archist movement that they represented was now well established in Soviet Russia, had penetrated into the higher levels of the army, the security service, and even the government, and would in time take power and restore the monarchy.They convinced the emigre leaders that the regime had undergone a radical change. Communism had completely failed; ideology was dead; the present leaders had nothing in common with the fanatical revolutionaries of the past. They were nationalists at heart, and their regime was evolving into a moderate, national regime and might soon collapse. "fools who had been deluded by the clever OGPU provocation" or were pressured or blackmailed by the threat of being discredited.[ [Jan 6th?]](https://files.catbox.moe/q56x75.png) [**Operation Trust goals**] The European governments and the emigre leaders should **put a stop to anti-Soviet terrorist activities and change their attitude from hostility toward the Soviet regime to one of passive acceptance.** [[how much of the 'do a terrorism' meme, is the modern Operation Trust?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/126/965/22c.png)] Shortly afterward, operation Trust was terminated with the arrest of those opponents of the regime who had been unwise enough to reveal themselves as such by associating with the Trust. "

(post is archived)