If you like the series, I get it. Might of added a part 1 of 3 etc. It was not clear to me. Blame it on the auto titler I don't know. But it still looked spammy to me.
They do say what part of the series they are... note the (9/12), (11/12), (12/12) immediately after the series name of every one of them in the titles.
Also different covers. Also different book names and one of the three is a different author.
How can it not be any more clear that they are different books. Do I need to write "Hey, MasatoFujigasaki, these are all different books" in the titles of books I post? You've got some kind of issue and can't admit you're in the wrong. Perhaps look into addressing that problem of yours.
September 2012, November 2012 and December 2012 are dates not book series numbers.
The auto title thing made it look like scrambled eggs. I would of added a clearer title: "The Library Of Political Secrets (9/12) - Itsvan Bakony - The Jewish Fifth Column in Japan (PDF, EPUB) [801x1267 - 112KB]" says nothing in it being a series. You should have added (PDF Part 1 of a # series) and ditched everything after Japan. I see scrambled eggs.
I shouldn't have done shit. It isn't "auto-title" that is to blame, it is you. I Titled them specifically so all of my book post titles include only relevant information and ordered in a very clear way.
[Series Name] [# in series/ of # books] - Author Name - Book Title - Formats Linked - Cover Image The Library Of Political Secrets (9/12) - Itsvan Bakony - The Jewish Fifth Column in Japan (PDF, EPUB)
Yes, (9/12) stands for book 9 out of 12 books as it always has.
If you see scrambled eggs, get your eyes examined or put the pipe down, or both.
Continue blaming everything or anyone else but yourself like a nigger if you want, I'm done wasting time dealing with niggers.
(post is archived)