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Hermann Wieland - Atlantis, Edda and Bible: 200,000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scriptures https://files.catbox.moe/0uhku1.jpg

""200,000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scriptures" The first ever English translation of Hermann Wieland's epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion. Banned and destroyed by the Allied forces following World War II, this cornerstone work of the ages has remained hidden to the Anglophone until now. Going beyond the saga of Atlantis, Wieland goes further into the darkened depths of history to reveal how the true religion and heritage of the Aryan race has been falsified and stolen from us for thousands of years. Atlantis, Edda & Bible not only exposes the forces behind this concerted effort to destroy the Aryan peoples but also ultimately reveals the secret and hidden message of the Holy Bible itself."

___ https://1lib.us/book/5300026/58ad9b


Part of Chapter 36: "The Downfall of the Aias of Atlantis and of Germany in the World War. A Repetition of Aryan-Atlantean History"

___ "Within the bodies of those who are racially mixed, there exists a constant battle between the forces of their greater heredity and their lower heredity over which will rule their spirit. One side can gain control and be victorious just as easily as the other side can in the corpus of the mischlinge. If the low-bred blood weakens in mixture over generations, then the noble blood will emerge victorious, and vice-versa. The lower-bred blood however tends to act as a type of poison or rotting agent upon the noble blood. This is why the body attempts to expel it through disease. Such diseases, as we have learned, come most often in seven-year cycles; thus disease most likely occurs in ages that are divisible by seven. In the mischlinge, the features of the lower-bred races become more apparent with the onset of old age; while still in youth, the hue and physical characteristics of the superior race are more strongly visible.

If families of the noble races continue to mix over the span of several generations with the lower-bred races, they will easily become inferior in nature.

The life of a nobly-bred nation then is exactly the same as that of the nobly-bred family, because the nation as a body is composed of individual cells of families. Thus the bad blood of the individual cells are absorbed into the organism of the nation in the form of small admixtures of poison and then usually easily excreted. However, if these admixtures accumulate too large in size, they will infect the organism of the nation as a disease and will cause fevers to the body in the form of revolutions. These revolutions have been increasing in frequency and intensity and the intervals between them have been decreasing to the extent that the blood of this body has been effectively weakened with illness. This is indeed a cycle that follows the laws of nature and occurs with regularity in seven-year periods; the deepest sicknesses of revolution occur in civilizations every 490 years (or approximately 500 years), 7 times 70, or every 147 years (or approximately 150 years), 7 times 21. These are the real causes and driving forces that Stromer-Reichenbach, Spengler and Kemmerich speak of when they tell us that history is calculable and that certain events are predetermined.

The story of a peoples who originated with a high racial standing and then one day perished through too much miscegenation is therefore a familiar story and one that is destined to be repeated as racial standards deteriorate throughout history. This explains the ability of the aforementioned three historians to predict with certainty the future events that will be coming upon the European nations.

From this point of view, the deaths of many of the Aryan cultures of history and the victory of the low-bred races on Atlantis are easily explainable. The overthrow and extermination of the Aias was only possible once the noble racial blood of the Aias had been polluted and diluted through mixing; this miscegenation reduced the number to true Aryans and increased the number of mongrel races (whom carried a portion of Aryan blood) who were then thus able to overpower the Aias.

It took only the purposeful leadership of the revolutionaries by the priesthood to cause Asgard to fall and for the Aesir to be crushed. Revolutions are thus always racial struggles.

Now we will remark on the incredible similarities between the events on ancient Atlantis and the recent Great War, which are appreciable even upon a superficial comparison. One only needs to put the Germans of the war in the place of the Aias to see the similarities. Just as it had been in the cities and colonies of Atlantis, the increasing miscegenation in the major cities of Germany had begun to create an unpatriotic populace; simultaneously, a strata of low-bred races began to rapidly reproduce, partly due to the influx of Eastern European Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Mongols and Negroes into its industrial centers and seaports. These masses of mischlinge were strengthened by the Aryan blood that it had mixed with there and thus became conscious of their power and began to aspire to rule the state.

On Atlantis, the leadership of the lower-bred races was organized by the Atlantean priesthood; during the Great War, Judea and Rome were secretly associated in their underhanded dealings. Both wars were prepared by the Atiantean papacy well in advance; Bismarck realized that Rome and Judea were secretly manipulating such matters and he thereby took decisive measures to prevent the encirclement and destruction of Germany in his victorious war of 1870-1871. This ended any alliances that the Aesir (Germany) may have had with what were in fact its enemies: the "Dragon" and the "Great Beast", the tyrants, the vanity of the French and Italians, the parasitic mercantilism of the English hypocrites, the greedy expansion efforts of Panslavism, and the animal races who so hated the Aryans were all thwarted and their plans for world-domination and the subservience of the Germanic peoples were destroyed.

And so all of the colors of the lower-bred races -the red, yellow, black, and even the white- were gathered together from the four winds of the earth to defeat the Aryan Germans. And the Vanir (the mischlinge, the Slavs, the Romans and the Jews) provided the troops. Even the armies of Togarmah (the English, the German-Americans and the Canadians) were mobilized against the Germans, because the Vanir had too little faith that the black, yellow and red beasts were strong enough to complete the task. And again the Midgard Serpent appears: an enormous Anglo-French fleet blockaded the German coasts, just like on Atlantis.

And just like on Atlantis, our Aryan leaders were slandered and maligned: the Jewish world media and the Roman clerical press were quick to see to it that the whole German people, their princes, the Hohenzollem, its army, and its magnificent soldiers and generals were all denigrated and bad-mouthed. Those who wore the sign of the Aias, the Aryan swastika, were insulted and abused.

The representatives and agents of the papacy set the people against their leaders, just like on Atlantis; they diabolically concocted talk of democracy to lure the masses when their only true goal was to overthrow the monarchy and to weaken its military. Loki (Rome-Judea) also found in Germany a blind Hödur to be used as a tool to defeat the Aryan powers: deluded German compatriots, such as the Jesuit Emperor Charles I of Austria, his wife the Jesuit student Empress Zita, and the elected deputies of the German people. Rome and Judea made these people both consciously and unconsciously their willing henchmen in their service to exterminate their own people and their own culture. They thus served as the Judas unto their own peoples. Hagen killed Siegfried.

It is from Judea and Rome that these vague slogans of "freedom", "equality", democracy and communism originate; they breed their propaganda for years in the most populated strata of society until the masses rise up in bloody revolution. Through revolution the Dragon and the Great Beast find their salvation in the destruction of the monarchy and the military. Once the monarchy is overthrown and the military destabilized, it is easy work for the Snake to seize control of the military and to protect itself by ensuring that the monarchy is not allowed to rise again.

And the ultimate success of the Great Beast yields this: No equality, but greater economic inequality among the various strata of the population; greater impoverishment amongst the most widely populated groups of peoples and massive increases in Jewish and Jesuit operated big business.

No freedom, but instead an oppressive iron rule by the Atlantean theocracy of Rome and Judea. Jews and Jesuits sit as comrades on the throne of the Aesir, manipulating the state and its parties to their own demise; Germany is driven to ruin at the hands of the lower-bred races and the Vanir. Through the collusion with and entente of other such corrupted nations, the German people are made to suffer and perish through hunger blockades, inflation, the occupation of German cities by human animals, the disarming of the German people, economic sanctions, "reparations", currency devaluation, out of control taxation and the redrawing of German borders, etcetera.

Once again, the "Dragon" casts the leaders of the Aryans into the lake of fire: the Atlantean theocracy demanded, through its secular arm of the Jewish-Roman-Atlantean church, i.e. through entente, the extradition of our princes and generals and thousands of our best German heroes and soldiers as so-called war criminals. From the massive burning of heretics and the Inquisition to the murder in 1919 of innocent hostages in Munich, Judaism and the papacy have taken great strides throughout history to eradicate the mentally strong German peoples as one of the only groups able to stand in the way of their plans for world domination. The Great War that was instigated by the Jesuits for thirty years, and was itself a continuation of seventy years of unfinished warfare, was created in order to bring a final end to the German folk.

The time is nigh when the German nation will finally and victoriously expose the truth of our enemies to the rest of the world: Rome and Judea have secretly collaborated to provoke a World War made expressly to exterminate the German peoples; this also explains the current miseries of financial debt that our nation is currently in.

Concerning Judaism, we can spare ourselves a tedious recital of the mountains of evidence that we now possess. It will suffice here to refer the reader to the conclusive and comprehensive scientific literature that has already been published, and to the public confession made in 1919 by the chief rabbi of Paris' main synagogue: "it is patriotic for Jews to make Germans everywhere suffer beneath the burden of propaganda." He could thus only hint at all of the grave deeds that this global criminal network of Judaism has done. "Up to a certain extent, the World War is a Jewish victory over the modem day Nebuchadnezzar (Germany). Israel' s merciless and mortal enemy, Germany, is thus nailed to the cross." Therefore: "Judaism will strike them upon the cross!" Let us keep the words of this representative of the Atlantean-Judaic theocracy and enemy of the Aryan people in mind for when their day of reckoning comes.

With regard to the blood on the hands of their other Atlantean companions, some indications may be necessary.

The most important tool of the Atlantean papacy to fulfill its plans for world domination is the Jesuit Order, which was founded for the second time by the Jew Diego Lainez; this Order serves to provide the foot soldiers of Judaism under the guise of religion, it is a sort of Masonic Order dressed up in religious-ecclesiastical garments, a ravenous wolf in sheep' s clothing. Its final goal is the conquest of the world political and economic powers and the mastery of the same by the Roman Pontiff (who Ludwig Windthorst famously referred to in his Reichstag speech of May 15 , 1872 as "holding the world like a puppet in his hands"). This ultimately serves all of the purposes of Judaism. Outwardly then, the Jesuits appear as a religious institution; however, according to the revelations of the Italian minister Vincenzo Gioberti (himself a former Jesuit), and according to the statements of Windthorst, it is in reality a well-organized syndicate of criminals and thieves. Here we will note the following quotes from the 1849 program of the Jesuits of Chiari:

"We aspire for the priesthood to rule over the entire world" and for the extermination of heretics. The world should be a priest-state and the Pope, as merely one of our agents, shall be its only abbot. The Communist Jesuit state of Paraguay was a small example of our system. Through our religious and political affiliations we will enslave the entire human race. In the confessional booth, our primary principle will be taught: "you must obey God (i.e. his Papal deputy) more than your government." We wish to accomplish our domination over the world before the stupid and wanton masses are enlightened to our ways; we will make them tools to achieve our victory. The divine instrument of our power is the confessional.

We will ensnare the great masses through propaganda and slogans about freedom, justice, and human dignity, and to thereby give the illusion that we are making immense concessions for their civil and political equality, freedom of worship, and freedom of education (!); we will preach Socialism and falsely train the masses (see the Communist-Jesuit state of Paraguay) that they have attained a heaven on earth. (Compare these statements with the identically worded programs of the Socialists, Communists and Bolsheviks!)

But we will teach this idea to the great masses, both the citizens and the peasantry, their political leaders and even the Protestants, during times of revolution: that order can only be restored when the people allow the almighty church to manage them, because the church alone has the power to do so. The people must thus once again be swathed in stupidity by our church and school systems and thus remain ignorant of the people of the Bible, "the creeping serpent, from whose eyes fire is sprayed."

We must therefore cultivate the rebellious spirit of the times themselves, that threaten to bring public upheavals or smash any princely powers (!); upon the ruins of such we will act an build the world domination of the church. "We only know how to create revolution; all of the revolutions of the past are merely the games of children." "The bishops and the clergy must stoke the flames...until the day comes when we no longer have to hide ourselves in secrecy."

We shall meet the Catholics with the most bitter hatred of the Protestants, and we will hide this falsehood until the day of open struggle (Silesia , Poznan , Alsace - Lorraine), and we will carefully thus conceal "the truth of the church and its goals"." ___

**Hermann Wieland - Atlantis, Edda and Bible: 200,000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scriptures** https://files.catbox.moe/0uhku1.jpg >"*"200,000 Years of Germanic World Culture and the Secrets of the Holy Scriptures" The first ever English translation of Hermann Wieland's epic retelling of the esoteric history of Atlantis and the truth about ancient Aryan religion. Banned and destroyed by the Allied forces following World War II, this cornerstone work of the ages has remained hidden to the Anglophone until now. Going beyond the saga of Atlantis, Wieland goes further into the darkened depths of history to reveal how the true religion and heritage of the Aryan race has been falsified and stolen from us for thousands of years. Atlantis, Edda & Bible not only exposes the forces behind this concerted effort to destroy the Aryan peoples but also ultimately reveals the secret and hidden message of the Holy Bible itself.*" > >___ >https://1lib.us/book/5300026/58ad9b > >- PDF (23mb): https://files.catbox.moe/bzgzug.pdf > >___ Part of Chapter 36: "The Downfall of the Aias of Atlantis and of Germany in the World War. A Repetition of Aryan-Atlantean History" >___ >"*Within the bodies of those who are racially mixed, there exists a constant battle between the forces of their greater heredity and their lower heredity over which will rule their spirit. One side can gain control and be victorious just as easily as the other side can in the corpus of the mischlinge. If the low-bred blood weakens in mixture over generations, then the noble blood will emerge victorious, and vice-versa. The lower-bred blood however tends to act as a type of poison or rotting agent upon the noble blood. This is why the body attempts to expel it through disease. Such diseases, as we have learned, come most often in seven-year cycles; thus disease most likely occurs in ages that are divisible by seven. In the mischlinge, the features of the lower-bred races become more apparent with the onset of old age; while still in youth, the hue and physical characteristics of the superior race are more strongly visible.* > >*If families of the noble races continue to mix over the span of several generations with the lower-bred races, they will easily become inferior in nature.* > >*The life of a nobly-bred nation then is exactly the same as that of the nobly-bred family, because the nation as a body is composed of individual cells of families. Thus the bad blood of the individual cells are absorbed into the organism of the nation in the form of small admixtures of poison and then usually easily excreted. However, if these admixtures accumulate too large in size, they will infect the organism of the nation as a disease and will cause fevers to the body in the form of revolutions. These revolutions have been increasing in frequency and intensity and the intervals between them have been decreasing to the extent that the blood of this body has been effectively weakened with illness. This is indeed a cycle that follows the laws of nature and occurs with regularity in seven-year periods; the deepest sicknesses of revolution occur in civilizations every 490 years (or approximately 500 years), 7 times 70, or every 147 years (or approximately 150 years), 7 times 21. These are the real causes and driving forces that Stromer-Reichenbach, Spengler and Kemmerich speak of when they tell us that history is calculable and that certain events are predetermined.* > >*The story of a peoples who originated with a high racial standing and then one day perished through too much miscegenation is therefore a familiar story and one that is destined to be repeated as racial standards deteriorate throughout history. This explains the ability of the aforementioned three historians to predict with certainty the future events that will be coming upon the European nations.* > >*From this point of view, the deaths of many of the Aryan cultures of history and the victory of the low-bred races on Atlantis are easily explainable. The overthrow and extermination of the Aias was only possible once the noble racial blood of the Aias had been polluted and diluted through mixing; this miscegenation reduced the number to true Aryans and increased the number of mongrel races (whom carried a portion of Aryan blood) who were then thus able to overpower the Aias.* > >*It took only the purposeful leadership of the revolutionaries by the priesthood to cause Asgard to fall and for the Aesir to be crushed. Revolutions are thus always racial struggles.* > >*Now we will remark on the incredible similarities between the events on ancient Atlantis and the recent Great War, which are appreciable even upon a superficial comparison. One only needs to put the Germans of the war in the place of the Aias to see the similarities. Just as it had been in the cities and colonies of Atlantis, the increasing miscegenation in the major cities of Germany had begun to create an unpatriotic populace; simultaneously, a strata of low-bred races began to rapidly reproduce, partly due to the influx of Eastern European Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Mongols and Negroes into its industrial centers and seaports. These masses of mischlinge were strengthened by the Aryan blood that it had mixed with there and thus became conscious of their power and began to aspire to rule the state.* > >*On Atlantis, the leadership of the lower-bred races was organized by the Atlantean priesthood; during the Great War, Judea and Rome were secretly associated in their underhanded dealings. Both wars were prepared by the Atiantean papacy well in advance; Bismarck realized that Rome and Judea were secretly manipulating such matters and he thereby took decisive measures to prevent the encirclement and destruction of Germany in his victorious war of 1870-1871. This ended any alliances that the Aesir (Germany) may have had with what were in fact its enemies: the "Dragon" and the "Great Beast", the tyrants, the vanity of the French and Italians, the parasitic mercantilism of the English hypocrites, the greedy expansion efforts of Panslavism, and the animal races who so hated the Aryans were all thwarted and their plans for world-domination and the subservience of the Germanic peoples were destroyed.* > >*And so all of the colors of the lower-bred races -the red, yellow, black, and even the white- were gathered together from the four winds of the earth to defeat the Aryan Germans. And the Vanir (the mischlinge, the Slavs, the Romans and the Jews) provided the troops. Even the armies of Togarmah (the English, the German-Americans and the Canadians) were mobilized against the Germans, because the Vanir had too little faith that the black, yellow and red beasts were strong enough to complete the task. And again the Midgard Serpent appears: an enormous Anglo-French fleet blockaded the German coasts, just like on Atlantis.* > >*And just like on Atlantis, our Aryan leaders were slandered and maligned: the Jewish world media and the Roman clerical press were quick to see to it that the whole German people, their princes, the Hohenzollem, its army, and its magnificent soldiers and generals were all denigrated and bad-mouthed. Those who wore the sign of the Aias, the Aryan swastika, were insulted and abused.* > >*The representatives and agents of the papacy set the people against their leaders, just like on Atlantis; they diabolically concocted talk of democracy to lure the masses when their only true goal was to overthrow the monarchy and to weaken its military. Loki (Rome-Judea) also found in Germany a blind Hödur to be used as a tool to defeat the Aryan powers: deluded German compatriots, such as the Jesuit Emperor Charles I of Austria, his wife the Jesuit student Empress Zita, and the elected deputies of the German people. Rome and Judea made these people both consciously and unconsciously their willing henchmen in their service to exterminate their own people and their own culture. They thus served as the Judas unto their own peoples. Hagen killed Siegfried.* > >*It is from Judea and Rome that these vague slogans of "freedom", "equality", democracy and communism originate; they breed their propaganda for years in the most populated strata of society until the masses rise up in bloody revolution. Through revolution the Dragon and the Great Beast find their salvation in the destruction of the monarchy and the military. Once the monarchy is overthrown and the military destabilized, it is easy work for the Snake to seize control of the military and to protect itself by ensuring that the monarchy is not allowed to rise again.* > >*And the ultimate success of the Great Beast yields this: No equality, but greater economic inequality among the various strata of the population; greater impoverishment amongst the most widely populated groups of peoples and massive increases in Jewish and Jesuit operated big business.* > >*No freedom, but instead an oppressive iron rule by the Atlantean theocracy of Rome and Judea. Jews and Jesuits sit as comrades on the throne of the Aesir, manipulating the state and its parties to their own demise; Germany is driven to ruin at the hands of the lower-bred races and the Vanir. Through the collusion with and entente of other such corrupted nations, the German people are made to suffer and perish through hunger blockades, inflation, the occupation of German cities by human animals, the disarming of the German people, economic sanctions, "reparations", currency devaluation, out of control taxation and the redrawing of German borders, etcetera.* > >*Once again, the "Dragon" casts the leaders of the Aryans into the lake of fire: the Atlantean theocracy demanded, through its secular arm of the Jewish-Roman-Atlantean church, i.e. through entente, the extradition of our princes and generals and thousands of our best German heroes and soldiers as so-called war criminals. From the massive burning of heretics and the Inquisition to the murder in 1919 of innocent hostages in Munich, Judaism and the papacy have taken great strides throughout history to eradicate the mentally strong German peoples as one of the only groups able to stand in the way of their plans for world domination. The Great War that was instigated by the Jesuits for thirty years, and was itself a continuation of seventy years of unfinished warfare, was created in order to bring a final end to the German folk.* > >*The time is nigh when the German nation will finally and victoriously expose the truth of our enemies to the rest of the world: Rome and Judea have secretly collaborated to provoke a World War made expressly to exterminate the German peoples; this also explains the current miseries of financial debt that our nation is currently in.* > >*Concerning Judaism, we can spare ourselves a tedious recital of the mountains of evidence that we now possess. It will suffice here to refer the reader to the conclusive and comprehensive scientific literature that has already been published, and to the public confession made in 1919 by the chief rabbi of Paris' main synagogue: "it is patriotic for Jews to make Germans everywhere suffer beneath the burden of propaganda." He could thus only hint at all of the grave deeds that this global criminal network of Judaism has done. "Up to a certain extent, the World War is a Jewish victory over the modem day Nebuchadnezzar (Germany). Israel' s merciless and mortal enemy, Germany, is thus nailed to the cross." Therefore: "Judaism will strike them upon the cross!" Let us keep the words of this representative of the Atlantean-Judaic theocracy and enemy of the Aryan people in mind for when their day of reckoning comes.* > >*With regard to the blood on the hands of their other Atlantean companions, some indications may be necessary.* > >*The most important tool of the Atlantean papacy to fulfill its plans for world domination is the Jesuit Order, which was founded for the second time by the Jew Diego Lainez; this Order serves to provide the foot soldiers of Judaism under the guise of religion, it is a sort of Masonic Order dressed up in religious-ecclesiastical garments, a ravenous wolf in sheep' s clothing. Its final goal is the conquest of the world political and economic powers and the mastery of the same by the Roman Pontiff (who Ludwig Windthorst famously referred to in his Reichstag speech of May 15 , 1872 as "holding the world like a puppet in his hands"). This ultimately serves all of the purposes of Judaism. Outwardly then, the Jesuits appear as a religious institution; however, according to the revelations of the Italian minister Vincenzo Gioberti (himself a former Jesuit), and according to the statements of Windthorst, it is in reality a well-organized syndicate of criminals and thieves. Here we will note the following quotes from the 1849 program of the Jesuits of Chiari:* > >*"We aspire for the priesthood to rule over the entire world" and for the extermination of heretics. The world should be a priest-state and the Pope, as merely one of our agents, shall be its only abbot. The Communist Jesuit state of Paraguay was a small example of our system. Through our religious and political affiliations we will enslave the entire human race. In the confessional booth, our primary principle will be taught: "you must obey God (i.e. his Papal deputy) more than your government." We wish to accomplish our domination over the world before the stupid and wanton masses are enlightened to our ways; we will make them tools to achieve our victory. The divine instrument of our power is the confessional.* > >*We will ensnare the great masses through propaganda and slogans about freedom, justice, and human dignity, and to thereby give the illusion that we are making immense concessions for their civil and political equality, freedom of worship, and freedom of education (!); we will preach Socialism and falsely train the masses (see the Communist-Jesuit state of Paraguay) that they have attained a heaven on earth. (Compare these statements with the identically worded programs of the Socialists, Communists and Bolsheviks!)* > >*But we will teach this idea to the great masses, both the citizens and the peasantry, their political leaders and even the Protestants, during times of revolution: that order can only be restored when the people allow the almighty church to manage them, because the church alone has the power to do so. The people must thus once again be swathed in stupidity by our church and school systems and thus remain ignorant of the people of the Bible, "the creeping serpent, from whose eyes fire is sprayed."* > >*We must therefore cultivate the rebellious spirit of the times themselves, that threaten to bring public upheavals or smash any princely powers (!); upon the ruins of such we will act an build the world domination of the church. "We only know how to create revolution; all of the revolutions of the past are merely the games of children." "The bishops and the clergy must stoke the flames...until the day comes when we no longer have to hide ourselves in secrecy."* > >*We shall meet the Catholics with the most bitter hatred of the Protestants, and we will hide this falsehood until the day of open struggle (Silesia , Poznan , Alsace - Lorraine), and we will carefully thus conceal "the truth of the church and its goals".*" >___

(post is archived)

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Chapter List:

___ - 1. Questions of the Ages. Questions on the Life of the German People - 2. A Reign of Terror on Earth - 3. The New, Moonless and Blissful Age of Eternal Spring. The New Heaven and the New Earth - 4. The Migration of the White Nordic Race ( Germans ) Into All Areas of the World and Into Atlantis - 5. From the Sunken Continent of Atlantis - 6. The Idafeld of Atlantis - 7. The Aias-Aria-Aryans as the "Holy Gods" and the "Sons of God" of the Bible on Atlantis - 8. The Cultivation of the Idafelde - 9. The 12 Asen. The 12 Tribes of Israel in the Bible - 10. The 12 Asen, Their "Signs" in the Sky, and the 12 Constellations of the Ecliptic - 11. "The Holy City of God" and "The Holy Mountain of the Biblical God in the Middle of the Sea" in Atlantis - 12. The Urd-Spring ("The Well of Salvation", "The Fountain of Youth", "The Fountain of the Living Waters", "God' s Well") of Atlantis - 13. The World-Tree Yggdrasil: the "Tree of Life" in the Asen Garden of Eden - 14. The Himmelsberg/Himinbjörg/Asenberg or "Heaven' s Castle" of Atlantis - 15. The Asenburg on Atlantis. "The Holy Temple of God". The 12 Chairs of the Aesir and the Holy "Throne of God" in the "Middle of the Sea" - 16. The Valhalla of the Atlantean Himmelsberg/the Sky-Mountain - 17. The Valkyries and the Noms - 18. In Heaven/In the Sky. - 19. "In Hell". The Judgment of the Dead. "The Last Judgment". "The Book of Life" - 20. Pyramids and Tiered-Mountains - 21. The Age of the Aryan Colonization of Atlantis - 22. From the History of Atlantis - 23. The World Conflagration - 24. The Economic Development of Atlantis and the Four Kingdoms of Daniel - 25. The Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean World-Culture - 26. The Expulsion from Paradise - 27. The Fall of Asgard on Atlantis. The Götterdämmerung of the Edda and the "Thousand Year Rule of God on Earth" according to the Books of Daniel, Ezekiel and the Revelation of John - 28. The Atlantean State as a Robber State - 29. The Sinking of Atlantis and the "Holy City of God", in "the Midst of the Sea", and "Between the Islands", The "Doomsday" of 11, 500 Years Ago - 30. The Consequences of the Sinking of Atlantis - 31. Atlantis and the Bible - 32. Baldur' s Death. His Descent into Hell and His Ascension. His Second Coming to Judge and the Prophecies of Jesus in the Bible - 33. Baldur and His Worship as a God - 34. The Historical Jesus - 35. From the Prehistoric Aryan-Atlantean Christianity to the Atlantean Papacy, to Polytheism, Idolatry and Paganism - 36. The Downfall of the Aias of Atlantis and of Gennany in The World War. A Repetition of Aryan-Atlantean History. - 37. The Hidden Mystery of the Holy Scriptures, the True Teachings of Jesus the German King, and the Resurrection of Gennany. - 38. Theses, Findings and Their Applications
