- Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (first translation) (2.4mb)
Mein Kampf
The Stalag Edition: The Only Complete and Officially Authorised English Translation Ever Issued
By Adolf Hitler
Translator: Unknown NSDAP member.
First issued as "My Struggle" By Adolf Hitler
Zentral Verlag Der NSDAP, Franz Eher Nachf. GMBH 1937–1944.
This edition: Ostara Publications
The only reference in it I have found to jews+gas is this in Chapter 15: "The Right To Self-Defence" and it is not saying that jews were gassed:
The fact that the German people carried on the War proved that the Marxist delusion had not yet penetrated deeply, but as the War dragged on German soldiers and workers gradually fell once more under the spell of the Marxist leaders, and to the same degree in which they elapsed, their country was bereft of their services. If, at the beginning of the War, or even during the War, twelve or, fifteen thousand of these Jewish corruptors of the people had been forced to submit to poison-gas, just as hundreds of thousands of our best German workers from every social class and from every trade and calling had to face it in the field, then the millions of sacrifices made at the front would not have been made in vain.
Otherwise, I haven't compared this version to the one above, but it is supposedly an unabridged English translation of the 1939 edition. - Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf
pdf, epub, mobi and other formats available to download it in on there
Year: 1939
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
Language: English
Translator(?): Ralph Manheim
___ for other versions on here.
(post is archived)