The official storyline is that the men were originally from Mobile, Alabama, and were revitalizing in New Orleans a version of Mobile’s Cowbellian society. Behind the pretense of the Cowbellion de' Rankin Society, which originated in 1835 as parading revelers through the streets of New Orleans, these men were in actuality Yankee bankers from New England. They used the idea of this Cowbellian society to create a front for an international banking cartel, the House of Rothschild , headquartered in Europe, as well as for Skull and Bones-a branch of the German Illuminati established by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. The name of this newly formed secret group was the Mystick Krewe of Comus .
The official storyline is that the men were originally from Mobile, Alabama, and were revitalizing in New Orleans a version of Mobile’s Cowbellian society. Behind the pretense of the Cowbellion de' Rankin Society, which originated in 1835 as parading revelers through the streets of New Orleans, these men were in actuality Yankee bankers from New England. They used the idea of this Cowbellian society to create a front for an international banking cartel, the House of Rothschild , headquartered in Europe, as well as for Skull and Bones-a branch of the German Illuminati established by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. The name of this newly formed secret group was the Mystick Krewe of Comus .
(post is archived)