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An acquisition of Greenland would give the United States permanent possession of an island that is crucial to its defense.[6][29] The country would acquire vast amounts of natural resources—whether found or expected—including petroleum and rare minerals;[26][21] the island has the largest deposits of rare earths outside China.[82] Climate change may by 2030 make the Northern Sea Route the first of the Arctic shipping routes to be ice-free,[36] connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and greatly improving accessibility of Greenland's resources.[21] The United States would become the second-largest nation in the world by land area, after Russia. It would be the single-largest territorial acquisition in American history, slightly larger than the Louisiana Purchase.[115]

An acquisition of Greenland would give the United States permanent possession of an island that is crucial to its defense.[6][29] The country would acquire vast amounts of natural resources—whether found or expected—including petroleum and rare minerals;[26][21] the island has the largest deposits of rare earths outside China.[82] Climate change may by 2030 make the Northern Sea Route the first of the Arctic shipping routes to be ice-free,[36] connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and greatly improving accessibility of Greenland's resources.[21] The United States would become the second-largest nation in the world by land area, after Russia. It would be the single-largest territorial acquisition in American history, slightly larger than the Louisiana Purchase.[115]
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This action would get the US kicked out of NATO pretty fast. I like your idea.