Don't go looking for it, nothing but nigs, pajeets, tatted up whites doing fuck all
For one you can only access it by doomscrolling the Shorts tab, which itself is a minefield of zero tier garbage. Once you finally hit a live stream, click on it regardless of what it is, because then YT will only show you live channels because they are desperate to compete with ticToks.
I flipped through 20+ streams, all of it was braindead. I'm trying to find a white man whohas something to say or show, but it's wiggers at best. This is not my first foray, as you might guess.
Today I settled on some young wigger kid where I was the only viewer and we could actually talk. I broke into it easy, saying what's up, what are your hobbies.
"Nothing man, I just do youtube, and play some retarded game "
I asked.about music, response was retarded nigger music, ok. I asked if he new the last big wigger hit single, yea he knew that ofc
He sees my nautilus icon, doesn't know what it is but says he likes it.
"The nautlius man, you know about the golden ratio?"
"Naughty-lus, golden radio? Fuck you talkin about man? Are you over 40 man, you about to hit Unc status 😅"
I pressed him a bit about reading more books and he ended the stream...
(post is archived)