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On two popular videos, I left a comment on each. One was “Black Power” and one was “White Power.”

Look which comment got deleted and which one is left to live on and spread ((their)) propaganda.

On two popular videos, I left a comment on each. One was “Black Power” and one was “White Power.” Look which comment got deleted and which one is left to live on and spread ((their)) propaganda.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2y

Side note: “Eeek Oook” has lasted longer than expected.

[–] 0 pt 2y

So many times I've gone in on marxist with point to point decimation only for it to never even get posted, ghosted or deleted. Yet the comments I responded to remain. It's absolutely infuriating when you write so much and destroy the nigger or kikes narrative for it to not even be shown.

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

You have to be so creative with your comments it's ridiculous. And any criticism of anyone who is not white will likely have consequences. I commented on a video of some black government guy speaking at Jan 6th hearings and commented about how shocking it is that people can be in positions of power and barely speak English. If you heard the chimp speak, it was all the annoying nigger speak they all use. After a couple nasty replies back to me about being a klan member, the comment disappeared. No point in trying to get your point across eloquently. If they don't like it, it's gone. So, I now leave more comments like Oook Eeek.

[–] 1 pt 2y

I've been calling every anti White a smooth brain marxist and honestly that phrase is probably ghosted as well. Sucks though because I'm sure that me and you aren't the only ones being silenced while the libtards, jews, niggers and whichever other degenerate pieces of shits can push their easily debunked anti White talking points. It's all so tiresome.