The top 1/3 of people from India out-number literally all of the US Population. Imagine that. It's just a numbers game.
They have more people. For every unsupervised machine learning specialist+ here in the US, there are 10 from/in India ready to get the work done for 1/5 the price per hour. That's just how it is. Until we start encouraging all of our young men to go to college and learn STEM, we're stuck with the Indians running the world.
+Please do a tiny bit of research before you open your retarded mouths about what this is.
Edit - @ThePurge is a cowardly retarded cuck who blocked me because of this message so I will reply to him, here (why are you cucks so fragile? You're worst the pink haired militant "they/them" crowd. Never seen so many fragile bitch-boys all in one place (it's about 1/5 of the poal people)).
The top 1/3rd of people from shithole curry nigger land are dumber than the bottom 10% of Whites.
Just not true at all and until people like you realize this and stop underestimating the rest of the world with your utterly retarded insular thinking, we're doomed to be serving our Indian and Chinese overlords when we reach middle age.
I think they have to be encouraged to breed women who won't skip out. Have 4 kids each. It'll be better for the world.
I'm doing my part to make smart, healthy, American babies. :D
The top 1/3rd of people from shithole curry nigger land are dumber than the bottom 10% of Whites.
Shut the fuck up you pathetic fucking nigger.
To be fair, I don't think they are as dumb as you make out. The top 1/5 are pretty bright. Also, by numbers the top 1/3 is numerically larger than the USA population. The bottom third over there is pretty dumb, and likely considered technically retarded.
Curry niggers are fucking retards barely better than regular sub-Saharan niggers.
(post is archived)