Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories
(((They))) keep saying that shit like it means something.
>Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories
(((They))) keep saying that shit like it means something.
Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories
(((They))) keep saying that shit like it means something.
These idiots keep up the constant barrage of attacks on people just voicing an opinion, and pretty soon being called an anti-semite will be seen as a badge of honor.
pretty soon
??? @Vastrightwing you're an antisemite.
Isn't everyone?
oh yes, the well-known neo nazi fan base of taylor swift
It has long been foretold… If the white child media one ever awakes; All of the collected middle aged angst of 4ch will become something; I don’t remember.
ok, where is the story?
based tay tay
No. Different 'person'.
(post is archived)