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Our cat is about to give birth. She grabbed one of her granddaughters for a birthing buddy. So cute.

Our cat is about to give birth. She grabbed one of her granddaughters for a birthing buddy. So cute.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

Cats get a bad rap a lot of the time. Maybe it's because I grew up on a farm, but I love cats (as well as dogs, other pet-type animals, and farm animals- they're all wonderful and I am happy to have grown up around them); I like the way they show affection, they can be fun to play around with (not as much fun as dogs though), and sometimes it's nice to have them greet you after a rough day, just being with you. Calms you down.

On the farm, we let our cats outside most of the time. They killed tons of vermin, pretty much daily there were a few dead rats or mice left by the porch (I think this is called "gifting", and cats bring their kills to us because they believe we are incompetent hunters). Now, living in a more suburban area, having a housecat is nice for dealing with spiders and mosquitoes and shit like that. The cat will notice these things and hone in on them, and then I deliver the killing blow.

All I'm saying, is cats are pretty cool. They can be assholes, but this can be said of any animal.

I remember a little video a while back, where it was "Tell me you're White without saying you're White", and the person was shown a picture of an adorable kitten. The woman goes "Awww!" Yep, checks out.

[–] 1 pt

I love cats the best out of any animal.

[–] 1 pt

Yes, I really love my cats. Only animal I have cried about losing. They are the perfect pets, and they like getting rid of things you don't like.

[–] 0 pt

Envirocunts stain everything with their shit.

Cats killing birds. Bad mmmkay. But birds killing mice, insects other birds. That fine. I shoot cats regularly because I have to protect my property. But I love cats especially my house and barn cat.

The proper view of nature is through a neutral perspective and understanding of life itself

[–] 2 pts

Strange cats are pests to farmers, if you already have farm cats. They'll mess with (even kill) your other animals, shit up your structures, fight with your cats, breed like crazy, etc.. If it's at this point, they're overpopulated in the area... and it sucks to have to do it, but they gotta be dealt with, and the envirocunts won't adopt the 4,000 cats that end up on your property every year.

Sometimes, part of life involves killing things. So long as you don't relish it, you're not a "bad person" for slaughtering food animals or shooting vermin of any variety. Most people in current year have grown up so insulated from the act of killing anything, they'd be horrified to read that you have to shoot cats regularly. They won't understand- because their cat, Mittens, is so great and sweet, how could you shoot a cat?!

They don't know that it's not Mittens rolling up on your property. It's a mangy, flea-ridden, possibly rabid 5 year old stray, fearl, missing both ears and most of his tail because it's been in so many fucking fights, and it's not looking to be cuddly with anything except for the guts of whatever it can sink its claws into. The resources involved in calling someone out to your property to "rescue" one of these every time one shows up would be astronomical, so you do what you have to do. The smart ferals will stay away from your shit. This is nature, this is how it's always been, and will continue to be.

[–] 0 pt

I pray over every pest I shoot or animal I slaughter for food. Heck I now get upset when I have to chop trees.

Life is precious but there is no life without death