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So we built our own University where our children can study in our own home language, Afrikaans!


>So we built our own University where our children can study in our own home language, Afrikaans! >Beautiful!
[–] 3 pts 11d

These are the people we should encourage to seek refuge here. Trade every nigger in the US for every single White trapped in that shithole.

[–] 1 pt 11d

Why should they flee? Support them in their fight to have their own Volkstaats and someday their own breakaway republics. Orania is already doing pretty well. South Africa is their land and should remain so.

[–] 2 pts 11d

What's with the short brown person?(pic8.co)

[–] 1 pt 11d

So there will be less Afrikaan university teachers? I bet this will have an interesting outcome.

[–] 1 pt 11d

They just don't get it do they. They need US, not the other way around.

We will just go build a new nation after they all die from starvation (they cant figure out how to grow food) and they burn their cities down (look at every former White controlled city world wide and what it turns into when the blacks get their hands on it).

We don't need or want you. Please, do self-segregate away from us. Some of the White's have not woken up yet and need to be kicked out of your shithole cities/nations to wake up.