That's a nice one.
It's the statue of Hercules fighting Achelous.
Achelous was a shape-shifting son of Titans.
The name Ἀχελώϊος is possibly pre-Greek,[3] its meaning is not entirely certain. Recent arguments suggest it is Semitic in origin
Very fitting.
Yeah, the snake is very semitic in origin.
Every single aspect of the jewish TALMUD is satanic(
Israel is the synagogue of satan(
The rabbi hole goes even deeper >>
jews aren't semites though. ashkenazis are decended from khazarians who were mix-breed shitskin Turkish-Mongols. To call them semetic is akin to affirming their belief that they are the chosen ones (ancient israelites). Which they are not.
You've missed the sarcasm. We all know they are imposters, thus the added links.