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[–] 7 pts 2y

Proud to say I hated them for the color of their skin first, before I had the misfortune to find out the content of their character.

[–] 5 pts 2y

'In group preference' is natural and normal and is practiced by every living creature on Earth except parasites.

Anybody who would call that normal and natural state of living 'racism' has an agenda that is opposed to nature.

[–] 5 pts 2y

When the topic comes up, even with niggers, I make no bones about it. I let them know I'm a racist. This inevitably leads to arguments with the normies which can go in any number of directions, but if it starts getting heated as it sometimes does with niggers, ("Why you hate black peepo?"), I always answer, "Racism isn't about who you hate, it's about who you love. And I love me some White peepo." ...Then give 'em a big grin. That disarms most of them. You can almost see them thinking, "Well, Ize luv me some black peepo, so maybe Ize racist, too."

With the "Morally Superior" who look down on pathetic rednecks like me, I'll just keep using all the arguments I've read on Poal, on Voat and r / Coontown. It usually wears them down if they don't run off. But the clincher is... (remember this) ...when you've made all your points and reach an impasse, ask them, "What's the opposite of racism?" And then yell, "STUPIDITY!" in their face. "You're not stupid, are ya?" ...and then shake your head in disgust. It's been pretty effective so far.

[–] 3 pts 2y

Don't forget W.E.B. Du Bois who introduced the philosophy that "race is a social construct" arguing that "race was a bad proxy in which to classify peoples behavior". He founded the NAACP and his idea eventually became the CRT/1619 basis: race does not determine characteristics of human behavior, but that believing such has led to the "systemic racism" we see today. It's all psychological bullshit, but not overly incorrect.

Example: albino nigs commit the same amount of crime as melanated nigs. Ergo, the level of melanin in the skin may not play a significant role towards the proclivity to produce crime, however it does present itself as an easy and quick marker, as many species already do in nature, to be cautious (never relax) around said animals.

If not skin/race, then what would be the best way to distinguish species of humans, since we are not the same?

[–] 4 pts 2y

Example: albino nigs commit the same amount of crime as melanated nigs.

They wish.You forgot to mention the cannibalism going on in Wakanda.

[–] 2 pts 2y

A great and well worded post accompanied by high level information. Well stated.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 2y