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[–] [deleted] 10 pts 2y

And they get paid from the billions of dollars that the USA send to Israel..

[–] 3 pts 2y


These fucking kikes use our own tax money to turn ignorant people into wage slave bots spreading their lies.

The only thing they consistently fear is the BDS movement. I don't really give a fuck about Arabs but I love that they hate it. https://bdsmovement.net/

[–] 4 pts 2y

Posted multiple times in /s/Jewspiracyand other related subs.

[–] 8 pts 2y

Didn't get a notice when I made the post, but it doesn't hurt to make new users aware and remind the old ones.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Would be a better fit in an anti-White sub exposing the kikes.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Maybe it would, but I feel we are soon going to be having another round of "muh Hitler was a jew" propaganda that periodically appears suspiciously at the same time on Poal as well on Telegram and similar media.

I also noticed that at the same time some users would come to this sub and try to instigate discord and fights, and hopefully this will keep them at bay and other users will be aware what it's about and won't accuse me of being a "powermod" if I ban these assholes before they even have a chance to start anything.

[–] 3 pts 2y

This is exactly why I don't comment, upvote or reply to anyone with bluejewnew username.

[–] 3 pts 2y

would seem like they have to spend 1/2 their time just gathering proof of their posts/comments/replies etc. to justify their pay

what shekelsteins

[–] 5 pts 2y

Their example is eminently jewish too. To get the monthly bonus, you need 5000 posts or more... 1100 new posts, 2500 replies, 1400 secondary replies.... exactly 5000 posts.

When you see someone on a platform who spams shit everywhere and goes through threads replying to everyone to push their talking point. They are likely a paid propagandist. Not necessarily JDIF, but they're probably being paid in a similar manner by some interested party.

[–] 4 pts 2y

It would be interesting if @AOUcould set up some monitoring metrics according to this chart, and they'd flag users who seem to be behaving in JIDF ways for their shekkels

[–] 6 pts 2y

Most of the JDIF type work is done on platforms with much more exposure than here. We're a dark and still free corner of the internet. They'll throw a small amount of resources our way to try and stir shit into the waters, but aren't going to invest majorly as the scale is not there. It's relatively expensive to try and fuck with small communities. They are most active in the more main stream platforms like facebook, youtube, etc. as well as some smaller ones like zero hedge. The smaller and freer the platforms, the quicker they are called out, generally.

To get a true grasp on it would require some in depth analytics that would only be possible with access to big data. Our enemies certainly have this access and can create profiles on whoever they fucking want. But we, for the most part, do not have such access. How fucking good would it be if someone could create a browser plugin to put the merchant tag on youtube commenters :-)

Certain issues, mainly climate change, are a bit unique though. As the main stream propaganda has created a small and dedicated volunteer force of useless idiots who insist that their moronic understanding of the world is absolute fact and that everyone MUST do what they want right now or we will all certainly die... or something. These zealots require no compensation.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Isn’t what the merchant tag used for?

[–] 2 pts 2y

If you think they don't have copypasta and a wiki for that you are sadly mistaken.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Fucking degenerate kikes. Why do we pay them for nothing but trouble and problems?

[–] 2 pts 2y

Is this a case of when 4chan "raided" Voat?

[–] 1 pt 2y

Someone is going to pay.