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[–] [Sticky] 3 pts 2y

We must sacrifice a virgin to placate the old gods. Somebody, find a virgin. What's that you say? Damn! We are screwed.

[–] 1 pt 2y

There has to be at least one virign on Poal!

Anyone comes to mind?

[–] 2 pts 2y

...weak men create hard times...

[–] 1 pt 2y

Really makes you think.

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

Great post and it's a tragedy that the jew is so angry at White's because of their hasidic inbreeding, broken minds, greed and hatred that they pit White people against each other so they can eventually take over the world. They already have the UN, WEF, NATO eating out of their hand.. the globalist jew is out for world domination.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Jews are hell bent on making out lives interesting, that why they flourish in the entertainment industry. /s

[–] 1 pt 2y

I've been reading a book about Marcus Aurelius and he was ready to lead a kingdom before 18.

The declining testosterone in men should be declared a public health emergency imo.

[–] 2 pts 2y

To be fair he was raised to be an emperor from the time he could talk and walk.

We all were raised by (((schools))) to live in the pod, eat ze bugs, drink your soy beer, smoke your estrogen weed, pay taxes and shut up. Just like majority of the world is doing.

I guess all of us here must have skipped school quite often. I known I did.

[–] 1 pt 2y

With proper nurturing kids can be anything, almost, but one needs start early. Jews know this, thats why they place so much power in academia. Jews nurture their own in economics, banking, politics quite early.

[–] 1 pt 2y

and the Spartan wahmen can scrap

[–] 1 pt 2y

Rugged Individualism is almost non existent. Almost

[–] 0 pt 2y

It always has been. The settlers that founded America would communally build their log cabins, hunt in groups, and band together for communal militias. Those that didn't were the first to be scalped or turned into rape toys by the savages. The few exceptions, like Daniel Boone or other mountain men, were single men who would leave their wives and children behind for a few months or years to build up wealth, while their families were living in a close-knit community. You need to be strong as an individual to provide for or protect your community, but even so you will only be as successful as your community is.

[–] 0 pt 2y

I have to imagine most of those Romans, Spartans and Vikings that were raised and trained that way were a fraction of the population i.e. the warrior class. Most of the elite white warrior class has been genocided since, and we’re witnessing the results of what was left over.

[–] 0 pt 2y

Spartans yes (helots were forbidden from athletic training), but Romans and Vikings no. Romans during the republic felt it was every citizen's duty to fight in the army, and this was why they could raise massive armies during the Punic wars after their last one had been wiped out.

For Vikings, less organized but same result. You were not a man if you couldn't fight well with a spear and shield no matter your class. Tacitus writes as much about the Goths, who originally came from Scandinavia. The Varangian Guard, Byzantium's elite, were drawn from average peasant Norsemen who wanted some money and adventure.

[–] 0 pt 2y

That’s pretty interesting. Would you say, however, the majority of European men throughout all regions and history weren’t trained so extensively?

[–] 0 pt 2y

It's a matter of time and place. The celts, the goths, and the Scythians were aryans with a warrior culture going back thousands of years. But the Roman people lost their warrior culture to a professional army replacing them, and bread and circuses placating them. The peasants that the goths took over were no longer warriors, and the trend has been the more a land develops the softer the people get. By length of time and generations, we've been warriors many many times longer than civilized semi-slaves. But by population count there's probably been more of us in the latter category, or at least close to even.

[–] 0 pt 2y

You left out the part about the Romans:

Nobility routinely raped boys.

[–] 0 pt 2y

complete utter bs. it's made up jewish dribble. if you do any actual reading from these time periods and these people you will easily see that.

[–] 0 pt 2y

You mean people like you are trying to wash history and erase the pedophilia that was common among the Greek and Roman nobility?


Why are you trying to pretend it didn't exist when we have a shitload for evidence, even primary sources, that this was common?

[–] 0 pt 2y

your evidence is from the lying envious mouths of jews.. ya go ahead and believe them. i know better. in long ago ages where there were no jews in power to push faggotry on any goyim nation....in your dreams buddy. it is true that roman empire was toppled because of pedos .. but that was after the senate was infiltrated by jews..this was after christianity gave them much power and influence. before christ it was impossible to indoctrinate the goyim.. after christ, not so much.. rome's senate was split in two, those that opposed pedo and those that support it.. not long after the empire fell..

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

When dudes start talking about DC and Marvel comics I just can't relate.

If I was 5 or 15 maybe. But even then I wasn't into that shit.

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