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[–] 1 pt 3mo

This reminds me of building snow forts with my kids at their school. After there was enough snow to get one started, I brought shovels (huge ones about 3 feet wide and the bottom was like a sled, the handle was like a big U so you could push it easily) and a snowblower. I remembered when I was a kid, we built a snow fort and then some cunts came and broke apart our fort and stole the pieces to make their fort bigger. I wasn't going to let that happen to my kids. We used the snow blower and shovels to make walls that were about 3 feet thick, and 6 feet high. I didn't put a roof on it because the schools these days are run by a bunch of pussies, so they would probably have torn it down over fear that the rood might collapse. This fort had multiple rooms in it, it could easily hold more than 50 kids. To finish it, I brought a bunch of spray bottles filles with water, and we sprayed all walls, inside and out, so that it was then surrounded in ice. No little cunts stole any part of that fort, it was a nice place for the kids to keep warm and out of the wind. My kids are too old for that any more , so hopefully I start getting grand kids in the next 5 years or so, then I can do it again.